+PrintInlining falsly? says: never executed

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Mon Dec 7 11:51:39 PST 2009

Am 07.12.2009 14:57, Christian Thalinger schrieb:
> On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 14:54 +0100, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>>> IIRC you never mentioned where to find that code (only the decoder).
>> Hm, I mentioned the link on 01.12.2009 02:00 CET on this thread. Did you 
>> oversaw this?
>> You can find my sources here (in the test tree):
>> https://java-nio-charset-enhanced.dev.java.net/source/browse/java-nio-charset-enhanced/branches/j7_EUC_TW/?rev=833 
> Sure I saw this, but where is the code that calls the decoder?

Oops, I thought, the name EUC_TWBenchmark in test folder is 
self-explaining, sorry.

Method decode() is called from here (line 169 and line 179):

Initially invoked from here (line 142 and line 160):

The run arguments are defined here (line 72):

If you are familiar with NetBeans, I suggest to download the whole 
project from:

... and run test/sun.nio.cs.ext.EUC_TWBenchmark (CompileOnSave enabled).


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