PrintAssembly output - Please help

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Wed Dec 9 22:30:14 PST 2009

Ok thanks, but I'm wondering, that from PrintOptoAssembly I get other 
but valid JMP targets (all B114 here) to the end of the code, not to itself:

6c6   B110: #        B114 <- B6  Freq: 9.99938e-006
6c6           # exception oop is in EAX; no code emitted
6c6           MOV    ECX,EAX
6c8           JMP,s  B114
6ca   B111: #        B114 <- B4  Freq: 9.99959e-006
6ca           # exception oop is in EAX; no code emitted
6ca           MOV    ECX,EAX
6cc           JMP,s  B114
6ce   B112: #        B114 <- B3  Freq: 9.99979e-006
6ce           # exception oop is in EAX; no code emitted
6ce           MOV    ECX,EAX
6d0           JMP,s  B114
6d2   B113: #        B114 <- B2  Freq: 9.99999e-006
6d2           # exception oop is in EAX; no code emitted
6d2           MOV    ECX,EAX
6d4   B114: #        N1111 <- B79 B113 B112 B111 B110 B109 B108 B103 
B102 B101 B100 B93 B92 B91 B90 B87 B86 B85 B84 B83 B82 B81 B80 B107 B106 
B105 B104 B78 B77 B76 B75 B99  Freq: 7.11172e-005
6d4           ADD    ESP,72        # Destroy frame
        POPL   EBP
6d8           JMP    rethrow_stub


Am 09.12.2009 23:05, Tom Rodriguez schrieb:
> static stubs are used as trampolines when calling from compiled code into the interpreter.  That's just the initial state.  You can simply ignore them.
> tom
> On Dec 9, 2009, at 1:55 PM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> From PrintAssembly I see some code like this:
>> ....
>> 0x00b9bb0c: mov    $0x0,%ebx          ;...bb000000 00
>>                                       ;   {static_stub}
>> 0x00b9bb11: jmp    0x00b9bb11         ;...e9fbffff ff
>>                                       ;   {runtime_call}
>> 0x00b9bb16: mov    $0x0,%ebx          ;...bb000000 00
>>                                       ;   {static_stub}
>> 0x00b9bb1b: jmp    0x00b9bb1b         ;...e9fbffff ff
>>                                       ;   {runtime_call}
>> 0x00b9bb20: mov    $0x0,%ebx          ;...bb000000 00
>>                                       ;   {static_stub}
>> 0x00b9bb25: jmp    0x00b9bb25         ;...e9fbffff ff
>>                                       ;   {runtime_call}
>> [Exception Handler]
>> 0x00b9bb2a: jmp    0x00b90f00         ;...e9d153ff ff
>>                                       ;   {runtime_call}
>> 0x00b9bb2f: push   $0xb9bb2f          ;...682fbbb9 00
>>                                       ;   {section_word}
>> 0x00b9bb34: jmp    0x00b6bb40         ;...e90700fd ff
>> What does that mean:
>> 0x00b9bb11: jmp    0x00b9bb11
>> Jump to itself ?
>> Please explain me!
>> Thanks,
>> -Ulf

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