for pre-review (M): 6912064: type profiles need to be more thorough for dynamic language support

Igor Veresov Igor.Veresov at Sun.COM
Sat Dec 19 19:22:35 PST 2009


If you're going to address the other points in the future, could you 
please also add support for c1-based profiling of these items?


On 12/19/09 12:58 AM, John Rose wrote:
> In order to compile dynamically typed languages, the JVM needs to collect more dynamic typing profile information, and use the information it collects more completely.
> Specifically:
> - existing profiles on instanceof bytecodes need to be used (they are currently ignored)
> - existing profiles on invocation receivers need to be used (they are currently used only in conjunction with inlining optimizations)
> - certain type comparisons which appear monomorphic should be compiled to fail on uncommon traps, rather than normal slow path code
> - profiles need to be collected on invokedynamic instructions
> - profiles should also be collected on selected non-receiver arguments of method calls
> This is a preliminary review.  The current webrev addresses only the first and third of the above points:
> -- John

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