Why doesn't HotSpot use div machine code?
Ulf Zibis
Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Wed Dec 23 13:01:13 PST 2009
In my code I have a method similar to the following:
(divide char value by 8-bit constant and combine it's lower 8-bit
quotient and remainder to a new char value)
static final byte BYTE_RANGE = 0x5e;
static char db(char db) {
return (char)((((db / (BYTE_RANGE&0xff) & 0xff) << 8) | (db %
(BYTE_RANGE&0xff) & 0xff)) // force DIV word/byte
+ ...;
This could be compiled to:
mov %cx,%ax ; copy char db to ax register
div $0x5e
xchg %al,%ah
... but disassembly output results:
(some sophisticated trick using 2 imul instructions)
0x00ba4f67: mov $0xae4c415d,%eax
0x00ba4f6c: imul %ecx
0x00ba4f6e: add %ecx,%edx ;*idiv
; -
sun.nio.cs.ext.EUC_TW_C_d_b_c1_f3_shortMap4$Encoder::db at 3 (line 515)
0x00ba4f70: mov %edx,%ebp
0x00ba4f72: sar $0x6,%ebp
0x00ba4f75: shr $0x6,%edx
0x00ba4f78: imul $0x5e,%ebp,%ebp
0x00ba4f7b: sub %ebp,%ecx
0x00ba4f7d: and $0xff,%edx
0x00ba4f83: and $0xff,%ecx
0x00ba4f89: shl $0x8,%edx
0x00ba4f8c: or %ecx,%edx
Complete output here (line 2330):
Why doesn't HotSpot use div machine code?
I guess this would be faster here.
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