A question about bytecodes + unsigned load performance ./. add performace

Christian Thalinger Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
Tue Jan 20 13:12:44 PST 2009

On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 11:22 -0800, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
> I think on an out of order machine that much of this simply gets  
> hidden, especially when there's a lot of load and store traffic.  Try  
> measuring a loop without stores, maybe something that simply sums the   
> results.  

Good idea.  I will try that tomorrow.

> Sparc would benefit from this much more since it's in order  
> and sign extending loads introduce a bubble in the pipeline.

We have a SPARC at the university, but I guess Sun has also some
machines I could use, right? :-)

Could someone point me to the right machines I am allowed to use?

-- Christian

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