review (S) for 6911204: generated adapters with large signatures can fill up the code cache

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Fri Jan 15 14:14:12 PST 2010

Either way is fine with me.  I like Vladimir's suggestion.  -- John

On Jan 15, 2010, at 1:45 PM, Tom Rodriguez wrote:

> It's hot but not necessarily the most expensive.  We have to parse the UTF8 signature to construct an array of BasicTypes and then pass that to the calling_convention to build a VMRegPair[].  That's an interesting trick to speed up the equals test itself though.  I discovered a problem with the hash computation for the compacted form that's leading me to reevaluate the hash function itself and collect some statistics.  I'm going to fix that and maybe incorporate your faster equals.

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