review request (S): 7012087: JSR 292 Misleading exception message for a non-bound MH for a virtual method

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at
Sun Apr 3 09:45:01 PDT 2011

1739     if ((dmf_flags &~ (MethodHandles::_dmf_has_receiver |
                         ^ better '& ~('
1740                        MethodHandles::_dmf_does_dispatch |
1741                        MethodHandles::_dmf_from_interface |  <<<<<<< duplicated
1742                        MethodHandles::_dmf_from_interface)) != 0)

has_receiver is set using different checks, may add an assert that they have the same result:

1744     bool has_receiver = ((dmf_flags & MethodHandles::_dmf_has_receiver) != 0);
1745     if (actual_method != NULL) {
1746       has_receiver = (!actual_method->is_static());


On 4/2/11 6:02 PM, John Rose wrote:
> Error message formatting.  Multiple customers have stumbled over this.
> -- John

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