Review Request: Zero JSR 292 support

Gary Benson gbenson at
Mon Apr 4 01:34:59 PDT 2011

John Rose wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2011, at 7:33 AM, Gary Benson wrote:
> > This webrev adds support for JSR 292 to Zero:
> > 
> >
> Most impressive!  I think this matches the following previously
> filed bug:
> 6829195  JSR 292 needs to support the C++ interpreter

Partially, yes, in that it implements invokedynamic and fast_aldc*
in the bytecode interpreter.  For the sparc or x86 ports you would
also need to write the method handle entries and add frame manager
support for the call_method_handle message.

> Does this code pass the jtreg tests in jdk/test/java/lang/invoke/ ?

It passed their previous incarnation in jdk/test/java/dyn, with
this webrev applied to stop the tests disabling themselves:

I started updating my OpenJDK build on Friday to one with the most
recent tests but something failed in langtools and I didn't have
time to figure it out.  (FWIW this was an amd64 build, not Zero).
I'm going to try from a different forest today to see if I can get
a build I can test against.



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