Request for reviews (S): 7012965: Fix failed on sparc for 7009756: volatile variables could be broken throw reflection API

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at
Tue Jan 18 15:59:12 PST 2011

On Jan 18, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:

> Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>> What does the .volatile directive do?  Is that supported in older sparc assemblers?  Otherwise it looks ok.
>> tom
> ".volatile - Defines the beginning of a block of instruction. The instructions in the section may not be changed. The block of instruction should end at a .nonvolatile pseudo-op and should not contain any Control Transfer Instructions (CTI) or labels."
> ".nonvolatile - Defines the end of a block of instruction. The instructions in the block may not be permuted."
> All other methods in this file have these directives for long time so I copied it to be consistent.
> This code will be backported only into JDK6 where we had these directives already.

I hadn't noticed that before.  Looks fine then.


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