review request (URGENT): 7051206: JSR 292 method name SwitchPoint.isValid is misleading to unwary users; should be hasBeenInvalidated

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at
Fri Jun 3 09:20:02 PDT 2011

Looks good to me.


John Rose wrote:
> This is a changed method name (and inverted sense), replacing 
> SwitchPoint.isValid.  Here's the updated javadoc:
>         hasBeenInvalidated
> public boolean hasBeenInvalidated()
> Determines if this switch point has been invalidated yet.
> /Discussion:/ Because of the one-way nature of invalidation, once a 
> switch point begins to return true for |hasBeenInvalidated|, it will 
> always do so in the future. On the other hand, a valid switch point 
> visible to other threads may invalidated at any moment, due to a request 
> by another thread.
> Since invalidation is a global and immediate operation, the execution of 
> this query, on a valid switchpoint, must be internally sequenced with 
> any other threads that could cause invalidation. This query may 
> therefore be expensive. The recommended way to build a boolean-valued 
> method handle which queries the invalidation state of a switch 
> point |s| is to call |s.guardWithTest| on |constant| 
> <file:///Users/jrose/Projects/davinci/patches/netbeans/meth/dist/javadoc/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.html#constant(java.lang.Class,%20java.lang.Object)> true 
> and false method handles.
> Returns:
>     true if this switch point has been invalidated

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