review request (URGENT): 7052202: JSR 292: Crash in sun.invoke.util.ValueConversions.fillArray

John Rose john.r.rose at
Mon Jun 13 21:22:20 PDT 2011

These are the JDK-side fixes for several crashes in method handle adapters.

Summary of changes:
 - correct parameters of some rotate (OP_ROT_ARGS) permutation adapters
 - communicate the rotation convention with the JVM via OP_ROT_ARGS_DOWN_LIMIT_BIAS
 - adjust code in MethodHandleImpl for GWT transformations
 - fix typo in SwitchPoint javadoc
 - fix non-compliant logic in MethodHandleProxies
 - fix invalid private classes in MethodHandlesTest

7052202: JSR 292: Crash in sun.invoke.util.ValueConversions.fillArray
Summary: Fix corner cases involving MethodHandles.permuteArguments with long or double argument lists.

This bug also has a set of JVM-side fixes, which will also be posted for review.  A preview may be found in the mlvm patch repository:

Both change sets are required to fix the bug.  Either change set is safe to apply by itself, and will cause no regression.

-- John

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