Request for Review (XS): leverage shared x86-only deoptimization code

Bertrand Delsart bertrand.delsart at
Wed Mar 9 05:40:35 PST 2011

Hi all,

Here is a simple webrev to allow other platforms to benefit from
shared code that was conditionally compiled only on x86 machines:

This code had initially be modified by explicitly adding to the ifdef 
the platforms that required it. However, since the code is supposed to 
be harmless, it is cleaner and better in the long term to activate it by 
default for all future platforms.

Bertrand Delsart,                         bertrand.delsart at
Sun-Oracle,         180 av. de l'Europe,         ZIRST de Montbonnot,
38334 Saint Ismier,                                            FRANCE
Phone : +33 4 76 18 81 23 Fax : +33 4 76 18 88 88

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