Request for Review (XS): leverage shared x86-only deoptimization code

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at
Thu Mar 10 08:34:23 PST 2011

Looks great.  Thanks.


On Mar 10, 2011, at 4:23 AM, Bertrand Delsart wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> New webrev with the one line move you suggested and some changes in the 
> comments:
> Comments were mainly to help the review. Now that it is done, since you 
> prefer the history not to be kept in the files, I've removed all the 
> history part of the old comment and only kept the first sentence, which 
> explains what it does (adding the "On some platforms"):
> +  // On some platforms, we need a way to pass fp to the unpacking code
> +  // so the skeletal frames come out correct.
> If you'd like to use this push to complete the information, feel free to 
> suggest additional comments that I will insert before pushing. Else, 
> please confirm that I have your approval for the push.
> Thanks,
> Bertrand.
> On 03/ 9/11 06:42 PM, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>> You should move the initial_fp declaration up into the main section since it isn't an x86 temp anymore.  I know this is a bit nit-picky, but I'd also prefer if the comments you updated just described what was being captured and why it might be needed instead of talking about the history.
>> tom
>> On Mar 9, 2011, at 5:40 AM, Bertrand Delsart wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Here is a simple webrev to allow other platforms to benefit from
>>> shared code that was conditionally compiled only on x86 machines:
>>> This code had initially be modified by explicitly adding to the ifdef the platforms that required it. However, since the code is supposed to be harmless, it is cleaner and better in the long term to activate it by default for all future platforms.
>>> Bertrand.
>>> --
>>> Bertrand Delsart,                         bertrand.delsart at
>>> Sun-Oracle,         180 av. de l'Europe,         ZIRST de Montbonnot,
>>> 38334 Saint Ismier,                                            FRANCE
>>> Phone : +33 4 76 18 81 23 Fax : +33 4 76 18 88 88
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> -- 
> Bertrand Delsart,                         bertrand.delsart at
> Sun-Oracle,         180 av. de l'Europe,         ZIRST de Montbonnot,
> 38334 Saint Ismier,                                            FRANCE
> Phone : +33 4 76 18 81 23 Fax : +33 4 76 18 88 88
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