possible CMS problem with C2

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Thu Mar 31 14:03:44 PDT 2011


Why it is matter when we mark card for this object? There is no safepoint in 
between. Could you or Ramki explain?


Y. S. Ramakrishna wrote:
> Hi Tom --
> On 03/31/11 12:41, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>> While looking at the code we generate for a simple program I noticed 
>> that we were eliminating card marks with CMS in a illegal fashion.  
>> For this simple program:
>> public class test {
>>     static Object a1;
>>     static Object a2;
>>     static Object a3;
>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>         a1 = args;
>>         a2 = args;
>>         a3 = args;
>>     }
>> }
>> we generate this:
>> 000   B1: #     N1 <- BLOCK HEAD IS JUNK   Freq: 1
>> 000     SAVE   R_SP,-72,R_SP
>> 004     SET    precise klass test: 0x00843a50:Constant:exact 
>> *,R_L0     !ptr
>> 00c +   SET    0xf92d4000,R_L2  !ptr
>> 010 +   STW    R_I0,[R_L0 + #352]       ! ptr ! Field test.a3
>> 014 +   STW    R_I0,[R_L0 + #348]       ! ptr ! Field test.a2
>> 018 +   SRL    R_L0,#9,R_L1     ! Cast ptr R_L0 to int and shift
>> 01c     STW    R_I0,[R_L0 + #344]       ! ptr ! Field test.a1
>> 020 +   STB    #0,[R_L2 + R_L1] ! CMS card-mark byte 0
>> 024     SETHI  #PollAddr,L0     ! Load Polling address
>>         LDUW   [L0],G0  !Poll for Safepointing
>>         RET
>>         RESTORE
>> 034 +   ! return
>> 034
>> which happens to be ok because the STB happens last but we don't 
>> actually have enough dependences to ensure that we get this schedule.  
>> We emit 3 separate StoreCMs for each field references and each one has 
>> a dependence on the store that it covers.  What's going wrong is that 
>> we're allowing StoreCM to participate in the the store elimination in 
>> StoreNode::Ideal so we end up with this:
>>  45     StoreP  ===  5  7  44  10  [[ 16  50 ]]  @precise klass test: 
>> 0x00843a50:Constant:exact+352 *, name=a3, idx=6;  Memory: @precise 
>> klass test: 0
>> x00843a50:Constant:exact+352 *, name=a3, idx=6; !jvms: test::main @ bci:9
>>  36     StoreP  ===  5  7  35  10  [[ 16 ]]  @precise klass test: 
>> 0x00843a50:Constant:exact+348 *, name=a2, idx=5;  Memory: @precise 
>> klass test: 0x008
>> 43a50:Constant:exact+348 *, name=a2, idx=5; !jvms: test::main @ bci:5
>>  25     StoreP  ===  5  7  24  10  [[ 16 ]]  @precise klass test: 
>> 0x00843a50:Constant:exact+344 *, name=a1, idx=4;  Memory: @precise 
>> klass test: 0x008
>> 43a50:Constant:exact+344 *, name=a1, idx=4; !jvms: test::main @ bci:1
>>  50     StoreCM ===  5  7  31  23  45  [[ 16 ]]  @rawptr:BotPTR, 
>> idx=Raw;  Memory: @rawptr:BotPTR, idx=Raw; !jvms: test::main @ bci:9
>> The store to a3 has a StoreCM and it has killed the StoreCMs for a1 
>> and a2 but it doesn't have a dependence on it.  Since the slices are 
>> independent the a3 operations could be scheduled before the store to 
>> a1 and a2.  It may be that this is rare in practice and/or the local 
>> schedule tends to put the StoreCM last but it's clearly wrong.  G1 is 
>> safe from this because the StoreCMs are never close enough to be 
>> eliminated.
>> It's easy to fix but it might hurt CMS performance a bit.  It could 
>> also be done safely if the StoreCM could have dependences on multiple 
>> stores but since it's not using normal precedence edges I'm not sure 
>> how this would be implemented.
>> Does this sound like any issues that have been seen in the past?
> If it's been seen in the past, it has never been identified
> as stemming from this kind of optimization / missing dependencies.
> I have heard people (Vladimir, Igor, John Cuthbertson) express the lack of
> confidence in the existence of sufficient dependencies in some of the
> card-mark eliminations before.
> There was a time way back when Mike Paleczny and Ross Knippel
> had fixed issues stemming from illegal (for CMS) elision of card-marks
> in the case of CMS, and we had also taken care to add some
> missing ones in the runtime for perm objects, but this
> one is new to me.
> Yes, please fix this; even though i imagine this will be rare
> because (1) such scheduling may be rare (2) it's only when this
> intersects with precleaning that this would manifest, and if
> CMS collections are infrequent, the error will be rare (3) the
> lack of a card-mark for the elided/rescheduled stores may be
> masked by a different store to an adjacent object, making an
> actual crash rarer still. But still, thanks for finding the
> issue and fixing it! It would be interesting to see how much
> of a difference in performance the new previously missing
> dependencies will make to real codes/workloads.
> -- ramki
>> tom

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