XCHG is slow ?

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Wed Jul 4 02:15:09 PDT 2012

On 07/04/2012 03:30 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> I agree with you that it is strange. I looked on code and, as you 
> said, one with overflow detection executes a lot more instructions and 
> stack operations. What is time difference? I ran latest 7u6 (linux64) 
> promoted build and got this numbers:
> $ bin/jruby -X+C bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb
>   0.170000   0.070000   0.240000 (  0.100000)
>   0.030000   0.020000   0.050000 (  0.036000)
>   0.040000   0.020000   0.060000 (  0.036000)
>   0.040000   0.030000   0.070000 (  0.036000)
>   0.040000   0.020000   0.060000 (  0.036000)
> Vladimir

Hi Vladimir,
this is a work is not integrated in JRuby yet, I'm sure Charles will 
want to implement it in JRuby
but because it requires a small static analysis to distinguish between 
numeric vs object
so I've written my own generator as a proof of concept.

The class corresponding to the overflow version is here:

The version without overflow detection is the Java one.


> Rémi Forax wrote:
>> On 07/04/2012 01:44 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>> Rémi,
>>> NOP and xchg %ax,%ax are and always were the same instruction and 
>>> have the same encoding 0x90. What you see is multibytes nop (2 bytes 
>>> in your case) to align following call instruction: 0x66 0x90.
>>> Vladimir
>> I see and I suppose that a multibytes nop is not slower than a single 
>> byte nop.
>> So to explain my problem clearly, I've two codes the first one is 
>> fibonacci (ClassicFibo)
>> with an int, the second one is fibonacci with an int plus the 
>> overflow detection (FiboSample).
>> My problem is that the code with the overflow detection is faster the 
>> code
>> without the overflow detection :)
>> Rémi
>>   # {method} 'fibo' '(I)I' in 'ClassicFibo'
>>   # parm0:    rsi       = int
>>   #           [sp+0x30]  (sp of caller)
>>   0x00007fdf91061620: mov    %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)  ;...89842400 c0feff
>>   0x00007fdf91061627: push   %rbp               ;...55
>>   0x00007fdf91061628: sub    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883ec20
>> ;*synchronization entry
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at -1 (line 4)
>>   0x00007fdf9106162c: mov    %esi,%ebp          ;...8bee
>>   0x00007fdf9106162e: cmp    $0x2,%esi          ;...83fe02
>>   0x00007fdf91061631: jl     0x00007fdf91061651  ;...7c1e
>>                                                 ;*if_icmpge
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 2 (line 4)
>>   0x00007fdf91061633: dec    %esi               ;...ffce
>>                                                 ;*isub
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 9 (line 7)
>>   0x00007fdf91061635: xchg   %ax,%ax            ;...6690
>>   0x00007fdf91061637: callq  0x00007fdf91038060  ;...e8246afd ff
>>                                                 ; OopMap{off=28}
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 10 (line 7)
>>                                                 ; {static_call}
>>   0x00007fdf9106163c: mov    %eax,(%rsp)        ;...890424
>>   0x00007fdf9106163f: mov    %ebp,%esi          ;...8bf5
>>   0x00007fdf91061641: add    $0xfffffffffffffffe,%esi ;...83c6fe
>>                                                 ;*isub
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 15 (line 7)
>>   0x00007fdf91061644: xchg   %ax,%ax            ;...666690
>>   0x00007fdf91061647: callq  0x00007fdf91038060  ;...e8146afd ff
>>                                                 ; OopMap{off=44}
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 16 (line 7)
>>                                                 ; {static_call}
>>   0x00007fdf9106164c: add    (%rsp),%eax        ;...030424
>>                                                 ;*iadd
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 19 (line 7)
>>   0x00007fdf9106164f: jmp    0x00007fdf91061656  ;...eb05
>>   0x00007fdf91061651: mov    $0x1,%eax          ;...b8010000 00
>>   0x00007fdf91061656: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
>>   0x00007fdf9106165a: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
>>   0x00007fdf9106165b: test   %eax,0x91c899f(%rip)        # 
>> 0x00007fdf9a22a000
>>                                                 ;...85059f89 1c09
>>                                                 ; {poll_return}
>>   0x00007fdf91061661: retq                      ;...c3
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 10 (line 7)
>>   0x00007fdf91061662: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
>>   0x00007fdf91061665: jmp    0x00007fdf9106166a  ;...eb03
>>   0x00007fdf91061667: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - 
>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 16 (line 7)
>>   0x00007fdf9106166a: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
>>   0x00007fdf9106166e: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
>>   0x00007fdf9106166f: jmpq   0x00007fdf91061220  ;...e9acfbff ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007fdf91061674: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf91061675: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf91061676: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf91061677: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf91061678: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf91061679: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf9106167a: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf9106167b: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf9106167c: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf9106167d: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf9106167e: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf9106167f: hlt                       ;...f4
>> [Stub Code]
>>   0x00007fdf91061680: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
>>                                                 ;...000000
>>                                                 ;   {no_reloc}
>>   0x00007fdf9106168a: jmpq   0x00007fdf9106168a  ;...e9fbffff ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007fdf9106168f: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
>>                                                 ;...000000
>>                                                 ; {static_stub}
>>   0x00007fdf91061699: jmpq   0x00007fdf91061699  ;...e9fbffff ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>> [Exception Handler]
>>   0x00007fdf9106169e: jmpq   0x00007fdf9105e4a0  ;...e9fdcdff ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>> [Deopt Handler Code]
>>   0x00007fdf910616a3: callq  0x00007fdf910616a8  ;...e8000000 00
>>   0x00007fdf910616a8: subq   $0x5,(%rsp)        ;...48832c24 05
>>   0x00007fdf910616ad: jmpq   0x00007fdf91038c00  ;...e94e75fd ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007fdf910616b2: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf910616b3: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf910616b4: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf910616b5: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf910616b6: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007fdf910616b7: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   # {method} 'fibo' '(I)I' in 'FiboSample'
>>   # parm0:    rsi       = int
>>   #           [sp+0x30]  (sp of caller)
>>   0x00007faadd05fd40: mov    %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)  ;...89842400 c0feff
>>   0x00007faadd05fd47: push   %rbp               ;...55
>>   0x00007faadd05fd48: sub    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883ec20
>> ;*synchronization entry
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at -1
>>   0x00007faadd05fd4c: mov    %esi,(%rsp)        ;...893424
>>   0x00007faadd05fd4f: cmp    $0x2,%esi          ;...83fe02
>>   0x00007faadd05fd52: jl     0x00007faadd05fda1  ;...7c4d
>>                                                 ;*if_icmpge
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 2
>>   0x00007faadd05fd54: dec    %esi               ;...ffce
>>                                                 ;*isub
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 9
>>   0x00007faadd05fd56: nop                       ;...90
>>   0x00007faadd05fd57: callq  0x00007faadd038060  ;...e80483fd ff
>>                                                 ; OopMap{off=28}
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 10
>>                                                 ; {static_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fd5c: mov    %eax,0x4(%rsp)     ;...89442404
>>                                                 ;*goto
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 61
>>   0x00007faadd05fd60: mov    (%rsp),%esi        ;...8b3424
>>   0x00007faadd05fd63: add    $0xfffffffffffffffe,%esi ;...83c6fe
>>                                                 ;*isub
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 18
>>   0x00007faadd05fd66: nop                       ;...90
>>   0x00007faadd05fd67: callq  0x00007faadd038060  ;...e8f482fd ff
>>                                                 ; OopMap{off=44}
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 19
>>                                                 ; {static_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fd6c: mov    %eax,%r9d          ;...448bc8
>>   0x00007faadd05fd6f: mov    0x4(%rsp),%eax     ;...8b442404
>>   0x00007faadd05fd73: add    %r9d,%eax          ;...4103c1
>>                                                 ;*goto
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 75
>>   0x00007faadd05fd76: mov    0x4(%rsp),%r11d    ;...448b5c24 04
>>   0x00007faadd05fd7b: xor    %eax,%r11d         ;...4433d8
>>   0x00007faadd05fd7e: mov    %r9d,%r8d          ;...458bc1
>>   0x00007faadd05fd81: xor    %eax,%r8d          ;...4433c0
>>   0x00007faadd05fd84: and    %r8d,%r11d         ;...4523d8
>>   0x00007faadd05fd87: test   %r11d,%r11d        ;...4585db
>>   0x00007faadd05fd8a: jge    0x00007faadd05fda6  ;...7d1a
>>                                                 ;*ifge
>>                                                 ; - 
>> jdart.runtime.RT::addExact at 11 (line 139)
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 37
>>   0x00007faadd05fd8c: mov    $0xa5,%esi         ;...bea50000 00
>>   0x00007faadd05fd91: mov    %r9d,(%rsp)        ;...44890c24
>>   0x00007faadd05fd95: xchg   %ax,%ax            ;...6690
>>   0x00007faadd05fd97: callq  0x00007faadd039020  ;...e88492fd ff
>>                                                 ; OopMap{off=92}
>>                                                 ;*new  ; - 
>> jdart.runtime.RT::addExact at 14 (line 140)
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 37
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fd9c: callq  0x00007faae7394800  ;...e85f4a33 0a
>>                                                 ;*new  ; - 
>> jdart.runtime.RT::addExact at 14 (line 140)
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 37
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fda1: mov    $0x1,%eax          ;...b8010000 00
>>   0x00007faadd05fda6: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
>>   0x00007faadd05fdaa: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
>>   0x00007faadd05fdab: test   %eax,0xab5524f(%rip)        # 
>> 0x00007faae7bb5000
>>                                                 ;...85054f52 b50a
>>                                                 ; {poll_return}
>>   0x00007faadd05fdb1: retq                      ;...c3
>>   0x00007faadd05fdb2: mov    0x8(%rax),%r11d    ;...448b5808
>>   0x00007faadd05fdb6: cmp    $0xefe4b124,%r11d  ;...4181fb24 b1e4ef
>>                                                 ; 
>> {oop('jdart/runtime/ControlFlowException')}
>>   0x00007faadd05fdbd: jne    0x00007faadd05fdf5  ;...7536
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 19
>>   0x00007faadd05fdbf: mov    0x20(%rax),%ebp    ;...8b6820
>>   0x00007faadd05fdc2: test   %ebp,%ebp          ;...85ed
>>   0x00007faadd05fdc4: jne    0x00007faadd05fe11  ;...754b
>>                                                 ;*getfield value
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 70
>>   0x00007faadd05fdc6: mov    0x4(%rsp),%eax     ;...8b442404
>>   0x00007faadd05fdca: xor    %r9d,%r9d          ;...4533c9
>>   0x00007faadd05fdcd: jmp    0x00007faadd05fd76  ;...eba7
>>   0x00007faadd05fdcf: mov    0x8(%rax),%r11d    ;...448b5808
>>   0x00007faadd05fdd3: cmp    $0xefe4b124,%r11d  ;...4181fb24 b1e4ef
>>                                                 ; 
>> {oop('jdart/runtime/ControlFlowException')}
>>   0x00007faadd05fdda: jne    0x00007faadd05fdf0  ;...7514
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 10
>>   0x00007faadd05fddc: mov    0x20(%rax),%ebp    ;...8b6820
>>   0x00007faadd05fddf: test   %ebp,%ebp          ;...85ed
>>   0x00007faadd05fde1: jne    0x00007faadd05fe02  ;...751f
>>                                                 ;*getfield value
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 57
>>   0x00007faadd05fde3: xor    %r11d,%r11d        ;...4533db
>>   0x00007faadd05fde6: mov    %r11d,0x4(%rsp)    ;...44895c24 04
>>   0x00007faadd05fdeb: jmpq   0x00007faadd05fd60  ;...e970ffff ff
>>   0x00007faadd05fdf0: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
>>   0x00007faadd05fdf3: jmp    0x00007faadd05fdf8  ;...eb03
>>   0x00007faadd05fdf5: mov    %rax,%rsi          ;...488bf0
>>                                                 ;*invokestatic fibo
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 19
>>   0x00007faadd05fdf8: add    $0x20,%rsp         ;...4883c420
>>   0x00007faadd05fdfc: pop    %rbp               ;...5d
>>   0x00007faadd05fdfd: jmpq   0x00007faadd061660  ;...e95e1800 00
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe02: mov    $0xffffffec,%esi   ;...beecffff ff
>>   0x00007faadd05fe07: callq  0x00007faadd039020  ;...e81492fd ff
>>                                                 ; 
>> OopMap{rbp=NarrowOop off=204}
>>                                                 ;*astore_2
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 60
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe0c: callq  0x00007faae7394800  ;...e8ef4933 0a
>>                                                 ;*getfield value
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 57
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe11: mov    $0xffffffec,%esi   ;...beecffff ff
>>   0x00007faadd05fe16: nop                       ;...90
>>   0x00007faadd05fe17: callq  0x00007faadd039020  ;...e80492fd ff
>>                                                 ; 
>> OopMap{rbp=NarrowOop off=220}
>>                                                 ;*astore
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 73
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe1c: callq  0x00007faae7394800  ;...e8df4933 0a
>>                                                 ;*getfield value
>>                                                 ; - FiboSample::fibo at 70
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe21: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe22: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe23: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe24: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe25: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe26: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe27: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe28: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe29: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe2a: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe2b: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe2c: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe2d: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe2e: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe2f: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe30: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe31: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe32: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe33: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe34: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe35: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe36: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe37: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe38: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe39: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe3a: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe3b: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe3c: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe3d: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe3e: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe3f: hlt                       ;...f4
>> [Stub Code]
>>   0x00007faadd05fe40: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
>>                                                 ;...000000
>>                                                 ;   {no_reloc}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe4a: jmpq   0x00007faadd05fe4a  ;...e9fbffff ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe4f: mov    $0x0,%rbx          ;...48bb0000 000000
>>                                                 ;...000000
>>                                                 ; {static_stub}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe59: jmpq   0x00007faadd05fe59  ;...e9fbffff ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>> [Exception Handler]
>>   0x00007faadd05fe5e: jmpq   0x00007faadd05e8e0  ;...e97deaff ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>> [Deopt Handler Code]
>>   0x00007faadd05fe63: callq  0x00007faadd05fe68  ;...e8000000 00
>>   0x00007faadd05fe68: subq   $0x5,(%rsp)        ;...48832c24 05
>>   0x00007faadd05fe6d: jmpq   0x00007faadd038c00  ;...e98e8dfd ff
>>                                                 ; {runtime_call}
>>   0x00007faadd05fe72: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe73: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe74: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe75: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe76: hlt                       ;...f4
>>   0x00007faadd05fe77: hlt                       ;...f4
>>> Rémi Forax wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I've found something really weird, c2 sometimes generates
>>>> the assembler instruction xchg %ax, %ax (see the assembly code
>>>> of fibo just before the first recursive call)
>>>> which I believe is equivalent to a nop but slower.
>>>> In fact, xchg is really slow in my laptop (Nehalem), slower than
>>>> at least 5/6 instructions like move/xor/and.
>>>> I think it's because xchg is atomic see [1]
>>>> I think c2 should never generate xchg or at least replace all xchg 
>>>> %r, %r by nop.
>>>> Rémi
>>>> [1] 
>>>> http://www.intel.ru/content/dam/doc/white-paper/intel-microarchitecture-white-paper.pdf 
>>>> public class ClassicFibo {
>>>>   private static int fibo(int n) {
>>>>     if (n < 2) {
>>>>       return 1;
>>>>     }
>>>>     return fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2);
>>>>   }
>>>>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>>     System.out.println(fibo(40));
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>>>   # {method} 'fibo' '(I)I' in 'ClassicFibo'
>>>>   # parm0:    rsi       = int
>>>>   #           [sp+0x30]  (sp of caller)
>>>>   0x00007fb409061620: mov    %eax,-0x14000(%rsp)
>>>>   0x00007fb409061627: push   %rbp
>>>>   0x00007fb409061628: sub    $0x20,%rsp ;*synchronization entry
>>>>                                                 ; - 
>>>> ClassicFibo::fibo at -1 (line 4)
>>>>   0x00007fb40906162c: mov    %esi,%ebp
>>>>   0x00007fb40906162e: cmp    $0x2,%esi
>>>>   0x00007fb409061631: jl     0x00007fb409061651  ;*if_icmpge
>>>>                                                 ; - 
>>>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 2 (line 4)
>>>>   0x00007fb409061633: dec    %esi               ;*isub
>>>>                                                 ; - 
>>>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 9 (line 7)
>>>>   0x00007fb409061635: xchg   %ax,%ax
>>>>   0x00007fb409061637: callq  0x00007fb409038060  ; OopMap{off=28}
>>>> ;*invokestatic fibo
>>>>                                                 ; - 
>>>> ClassicFibo::fibo at 10 (line 7)
>>>>                                                 ; {static_call}
>>>>   ...

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