Request for reviews (XL): 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at
Mon Mar 12 10:33:56 PDT 2012

Sounds good.


On Mar 10, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:

> Windows build failed because it has already macro FAILED :)
> C:\jprt\temp\P1\003453.vkozlov\source\src\share\vm\opto\escape.cpp(515) : warning C4005: 'FAILED' : macro redefinition
>        C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\include\winerror.h(23781) : see previous definition of 'FAILED'
> I will rename the macro back to ELSE_FAIL but leave the code the same (no else in #define):
>  if () {
>    break;
>  }
>  ELSE_FAIL("foo");
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
> On 3/9/12 11:01 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>> Here are additional changes based on your review after webrev.3:
>> I decided to move PointsToNode allocation to comp_arena. Changes are not big (I need to pass Compile* to constructors to
>> allocate edges GrowableArray in comp_arena). So I added ResourceMark into do_analysis() method.
>> >>> Node* const _node;
>> > That's the second one. The first is a pointer to a const Node and you want a const pointer to a Node. It binds to the
>> left unless there's a type name to the right.
>> You are right, I changed it to "Node* const".
>> >> const Type *aat = igvn->type(arg);
>> >
>> > But isn't it available as _igvn?
>> Yes, you are absolutely right, I missed it. It seems, I need to wear glasses :) It is from old time when I did not cache
>> _igvn. There are other methods to which such argument is passed also. I fixed it.
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>> Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>>> On Mar 8, 2012, at 7:29 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>> Thank you, Tom
>>>> Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>>>>> The structure of the code is much improved I think. Thanks for taking the time to fix it.
>>>>> Why aren't all the worklists part of ConnectionGraph? There doesn't seem to be a clear split between state that's
>>>>> needs just the EA computation which is transient and the stuff that's recorded in the connection graph. It would be
>>>>> nice if all the stuff allocated just for the analysis could be freed once it's done.
>>>> All worklists created in compute_escape() could be freed, that is why they are not part of ConnectionGraph object.
>>>> But I can't use ResourceMark here since EA graph nodes (PointsToNode) are ResourceObj and they are needed now after
>>>> EA is done. I have separate rfe 7017319 to free resources which do not needed after analysis is done. So for these
>>>> changes I decided to not to bother with resources freeing.
>>> Ok.
>>>>> Why do we ever care around JavaFields that aren't oops? Is that just an artifact of the old algorithm? Doesn't that
>>>>> introduce extra edges? What does this comment mean?
>>>>> // Field node is created for all field types. It will help in
>>>>> // split_unique_types(). Note, there will be no uses of non oop fields
>>>>> // in Connection Graph.
>>>>> int offset = address_offset(n, igvn);
>>>>> add_field(n, PointsToNode::NoEscape, offset);
>>>> I will change that comment:
>>>> // Field nodes are created for all field types. They are used in
>>>> // adjust_scalar_replaceable_state() and split_unique_types().
>>>> // Note, non-oop fields will have only base edges in Connection
>>>> // Graph because such fields are not used for oop loads and stores.
>>> Ok.
>>>> Such fields are used in adjust_scalar_replaceable_state() for next checks:
>>>> // 3. An object is not scalar replaceable if it has a field with unknown
>>>> // offset (array's element is accessed in loop).
>>>> // 5. Or the address may point to more then one object. This may produce
>>>>> Is that to ensure that type information for the slice is created?
>>>> Yes. I need to make sure that all related AddP nodes are processed in split_unique_types().
>>>>> escape.hpp:
>>>>> Do we really have to use uint instead of int? I have dreams of eliminating it from Node someday.
>>>> I mostly use them to avoid C++ warning about comparing singed and unsigned which usually show up during JPRT build on
>>>> windows. I replaced almost all uint to int, will see what will happened in JPRT.
>>> I'd like to stamp out uint instead of spreading it's use. Should we turn on -Wsign-conversion in gcc so that it's
>>> possible to test for some of the sign issues without having to do a windows build? I guess that could make it all worse.
>>>>> Is PointsToList really needed? Can't your just use GrowableArray and append_if_missing? You could modify it to
>>>>> return a bool for your use.
>>>> Originally PointsToList had mode methods but currently it is not needed, as you said. I removed PointsToList and
>>>> modified GrowableArray::append_if_missing().
>>> Cool.
>>>>> const Node* _node;
>>>>> Don't you mean:
>>>>> Node* const _node;
>>>> No. I want this field to be set by constructor only and not modified after that.
>>> That's the second one. The first is a pointer to a const Node and you want a const pointer to a Node. It binds to the
>>> left unless there's a type name to the right.
>>>>> // Return true if nodes points only to non-escaped allocations.
>>>>> bool not_escaped_allocation();
>>>>> non escaping is used in other places and would read better here.
>>>> Changed as suggested.
>>>>> Why does process_call_arguments take the PhaseGVN as an argument?
>>>> To get precise type of call's arguments:
>>>> Node *arg = call->in(i);
>>>> const Type *aat = igvn->type(arg);
>>> But isn't it available as _igvn?
>>>>> escape.cpp:
>>>>> Can you put the brace on the same line in this idiom to match other parts of C2:
>>>>> case Op_DecodeN:
>>>>> {
>>>> Done.
>>>>> Could you change this idiom:
>>>>> if () {
>>>>> ELSE_FAILED("foo");
>>>>> }
>>>>> break;
>>>>> to something like:
>>>>> if () {
>>>>> break;
>>>>> }
>>>>> FAILED("foo");
>>>>> elses inside #defines are hard to handle.
>>>> Done.
>>>>> These bools appear unused:
>>>>> if (at->isa_oopptr() != NULL &&
>>>>> arg_ptn->escape_state() < PointsToNode::GlobalEscape) {
>>>>> bool global_escapes = false;
>>>>> bool fields_escapes = false;
>>>> Removed.
>>>>> It might be nice to put something in the log if build_connection_graph bails out in product mode.
>>>> Done:
>>>> <connectionGraph_bailout reason='reached iterations limit'/>
>>>>> typos:
>>>>> // Check if a oop field's
>>>>> // Non escaped object should points only to fields.
>>>> Fixed.
>>> Thanks!
>>> tom
>>>> I will submit JPRT test job to see how it goes.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Vladimir
>>>>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>> Rearranged code in escape.cpp to move compute_escape() and related methods to the beginning of file. Moved parts of
>>>>>> code in compute_escape() into separate methods: complete_connection_graph(), verify_connection_graph(),
>>>>>> optimize_ideal_graph(). Split build_connection_graph() into 2 methods: add_node_to_connection_graph() and
>>>>>> add_final_edges().
>>>>>> Replaced next patterns:
>>>>>> uint ecnt = use->edge_count();
>>>>>> for (uint j = 0; j < ecnt; j++) {
>>>>>> PointsToNode* e = use->edge(j);
>>>>>> with simple iterators (EdgeIterator, UseIterator, BaseIterator):
>>>>>> for (EdgeIterator i(use); i.has_next(); {
>>>>>> PointsToNode* e = i.get();
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>> Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mar 2, 2012, at 2:42 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you, Tom
>>>>>>>> Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Are you preparing a new webrev for this issue?
>>>>>>>> No. Last update I have is based on Christian's comments and it is mostly the same as original:
>>>>>>>> And I waited your comments to do final version.
>>>>>>>>> I don't have anything too concrete to say. It looks ok and I think the structure seems a big nicer.
>>>>>>>>> compute_escape desperately needs to be broken into multiple functions, particularly the verify code. It's very
>>>>>>>>> hard to see the core structure.
>>>>>>>> I do want it to be easy to understand so I will try to break it to several functions.
>>>>>>> The big comments describing the different steps are helpful but they are so far apart it's hard to hold onto the
>>>>>>> whole structure.
>>>>>>> Part of the problem is that writing C2 code is somewhat verbose. These patterns for instance:
>>>>>>> uint ucnt = base->use_count();
>>>>>>> for (uint j = 0; j < ucnt; j++) {
>>>>>>> PointsToNode* arycp = base->use(j);
>>>>>>> might be done more compactly with an iterator similar to SimpleDUIterator. I've often though it would be useful to
>>>>>>> have an iterator with a predicate built in so you could say things like:
>>>>>>> for (SimpleDUIterator<is_ArrayCopy> i(n); i.has_next(); {
>>>>>>> ..
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> to concisely visit particular node types.
>>>>>>> tom
>>>>>>>> I may also rearrange it since I don't like that main method compute_escape() is somewhere in the middle of the
>>>>>>>> source file.
>>>>>>>>> build_connection_graph feels like it should be broken into two functions or at least that final switch should.
>>>>>>>>> All the if (first_iteration) tests make it hard to follow since the else side if almost always empty.
>>>>>>>> OK. I will look on it.
>>>>>>>>> There are a lot of odd empty lines that just seems to spread the code out instead of separating logical things.
>>>>>>>>> I'm not a huge fan of vertical white space. Anyway, nothing above is something that needs to be fixed for this
>>>>>>>>> bug fix.
>>>>>>>> I will try to clean up some.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>>>>> tom
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 29, 2012, at 12:58 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I rerun tests again and see difference because of 7146442 fix and not these changes. I have to look again on
>>>>>>>>>> code in find_init_values() and may be do loads/stores domination checks.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I verified with refworkload benchmarks and EA tests I have. I compared PrintEliminateAllocations and
>>>>>>>>>>> PrintEliminateLocks output.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>>>>>>> Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm looking at it but it's pretty much a complete rewrite so it's hard to review. At a certain level it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> going to mostly be a rubber stamp. Did you verify that it produces the same results as the old algorithm?
>>>>>>>>>>>> tom
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:01 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please, I need a review for this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7147744: CTW: assert(false) failed: infinite EA connection graph build
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I rewrote Connection graph construction code in EA to reduce time spent there. In the bug's test time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reduced by 100 (from about 50 to .5 sec on Nahalem-EX machine).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Connection graph now has specialized classes for nodes and additional use edges to put on worklist only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses of node which added new point edge. Field node has also bases edges. Edges never removed only added.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of looking for Field's bases from the start create simple base edge to LocalVar during initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graph construction in build_connection_graph(). Late do several iteration to push all known JavaObject
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes references through graph. This phase has limits on number and time. Also on each iteration check if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are non globally escaped objects and bail out from code if not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Added additional Arraycopy node to connect source and destination objects.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I removed uncast() calls so that all LocalVar nodes point to all related JavaObject nodes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I combined record_for_escape_analysis() and build_connection_graph() into one method.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Added TracePhase around Connection graph build code to see how much time spent there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This code need addition work since I still saw outlier (10 min in EA) in sje2010 on SPARC. But I will look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on it after this one is done.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I added new GrowableArray method delete_at(i) to avoid shifting following elements which is done in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remove_at(i) method.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir

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