compiled method info

Krystal Mok rednaxelafx at
Thu May 3 15:07:50 PDT 2012

Hi Xin,

+1 with John, Google is your friend when you start investigating things, especially when the top hits are pretty good.

Comments inline,

On 2012-5-4, at 4:20, Xin Tong < at> wrote:

> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Christian Thalinger
> <christian.thalinger at> wrote:
>> On May 3, 2012, at 11:54 AM, Xin Tong wrote:
>>> I am new to hotspot JVM. I am wondering how can I get a log of all the
>>> method compiled
>> You can print the compiled methods with -XX:+PrintCompilation.
> This will print the compiled method to the stdout, is there a way to
> force it to some output file ?

You can learn more about all available VM options in the *globals.hpp files.
Supposing you can read Chinese, there's a thread that I posted some time ago that had a list of all *globals.hpp files in it:

In runtime/globals.hpp, you can find the flags LogVMOutput and LogFile that should meet your needs. Use them like this (if you're using a product build):
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+LogVMOutput -XX:LogFile=<file_path>

The default path for the log is ./hotspot.log.

>>> and how can i get the intermediate representation
>> This is more complicated.  Do you mean the graph that's produced during the compile?
>>> and
>>> optimizations performed on one particular method ?
> Yes. I used to work on some other compiler framework in which one is
> able to print the graph after every optimization.

Search for C1Visualizer and IdealGraphVisualizer and read their manual. Should be enough to get you started.

>> Depends on the compiler used.  You might get an idea what's going on using -XX:+TimeCompiler (this is only available in a non-product build).
> I used make all  to build openJDK. however, all the developer options
> are not available. How do i make a non-product build. I do not want a
> debug build, as debug build tend to run slower than prod build.

That's what a fastdebug build is for. It's faster than a (slow) "debug" build, even though slower than a product build. You could refer to a script that Charles Nutter wrote for building HotSpot: . Use " fastdebug" to get a fastdebug build.

- Kris

> -- Xin
>> -- Chris
>>> Thanks
>>> Xin

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