RFR (L): 7054512: Compress class pointers after perm gen removal

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at oracle.com
Wed Oct 3 11:06:05 PDT 2012

On Oct 3, 2012, at 8:33 AM, Roland Westrelin <roland.westrelin at oracle.com> wrote:

> Chris,
> Thanks for the review and the suggestions.
>> There are some places where the indent is now off and I'd like to get them fixed but it's really up to you.
> Is this why you are referring to?
>   case T_ARRAY:     return new (C) ConPNode( t->is_aryptr() );
>   case T_ADDRESS:   return new (C) ConPNode( t->is_ptr() );
>   case T_NARROWOOP: return new (C) ConNNode( t->is_narrowoop() );
> +  case T_NARROWKLASS: return new (C) ConNKlassNode( t->is_narrowklass() );
>   case T_METADATA:  return new (C) ConPNode( t->is_ptr() );

Yeah, or this:


> I would personally try to restrict the changeset to the lines that contribute to the feature. Is there an agreed coding "policy" for this?

I don't think so.  People have different preferences.  But when I see code that is tidily arranged I usually keep that.  As I said, it's up to you.

-- Chris

> Roland.

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