RFR(M) 8011621: Keep the "live range id - node" mapping in a separate class

Roland Westrelin roland.westrelin at oracle.com
Mon Apr 8 08:32:30 PDT 2013


In vmStructs.cpp, you need to add a declaration for PhaseChaitin::_lrg_map otherwise:
c2_nonstatic_field(LRGMap,             _max_lrg_id,              uint)
is useless.

Why not declare: LRGMap _lrg_map; rather than stack allocate it and set a pointer.

Can you add comments describing what LRGMap is before its declaration?

Shouldn't that:
 242   if (C->unique() > _lrg_map->_names.Size()) {
 243     _lrg_map->_names.extend(C->unique() - 1, 0);
 244   }

be moved to the LRGMap constructor?

Shouldn't you make _max_lrg_id, _uf_map and _names private and have accessors?

Otherwise it looks good.


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