RFR (S): 8010090 - GC ID has the wrong type

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Thu Apr 18 00:36:51 PDT 2013


Thanks for looking at this!

Looking at the code, it is not that easy to determine the intention when it 
comes to the signedness of compile id. But judging from the original variable it 
should be unsigned.

The original variable in which the compile id is stored, _compile_id in the 
class CompileTask, is a uint. The method compile_id() that is its getter has the 
return type int (this is likely a bug).

In CompileBroker::invoke_compiler_on_method, compile_id() is called and the 
result is stored in compile_id which is a uint. The variable compile_id is then 
used to populate the compileID in the Compilation event which used to be INTEGER 
(signed) but is about to become a UINT. Nils Eliasson from the compiler team has 
approved this change.


云达(Yunda) skrev 18/4/13 5:48 AM:
> Jesper,
> I think the GC part looks good. But I found the value put into Compile ID is actually int, not uint(share/vm/opto/compile.hpp):
> 470   int               compile_id() const          { return _compile_id; }
> Are you sure it is non-negative?
> Regards,
> Yunda
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: hotspot-gc-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
>> [mailto:hotspot-gc-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Jesper
>> Wilhelmsson
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:17 PM
>> To: hotspot-gc-dev openjdk.java.net; hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: RFR (S): 8010090 - GC ID has the wrong type
>> Hi,
>> Could I have a couple of reviews for this really small change.
>> The type of the GC ID and the Compile ID in the different tracing events should
>> be UINT as the values put into these fields are uint.
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8010090/webrev/
>> Bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8010090
>> Thanks,
>> /Jesper
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