RFR: 8020962: dump loaded java classes when vm crash

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at oracle.com
Mon Aug 12 11:00:54 PDT 2013

On 08/12/2013 10:00 AM, Yumin Qi wrote:
> - What if it the SA also crashes, will it launch a third VM then a 
> fourth etc?
>   Definitely don't want to see this happened in a chain. The solution 
> may use a property such as 
> sun.jvm.hotspot.DumpLoadedClasses.dumpingInProcess=true to pass into 
> SA process, at launching call, check if the property set, if set, do 
> not fork. When SA process died, it will generate core file first, note 
> the target process still waiting for its exit, so when target exit, 
> the core file (if both use default core as name) will be override by 
> target. The SA process will only leave a hs_err_pid*.log file. (? read 
> such property in handler is possible?)

There is still the chance that the VM may have crashed before the 
properties are initialized. Maybe use environment variables instead?

- Ioi

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