RFC: 8023657: Extra type profiling points could help C2 code generation

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at oracle.com
Thu Aug 29 09:55:42 PDT 2013

On Aug 26, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Roland Westrelin <roland.westrelin at oracle.com> wrote:

> Vladimir,
> Thanks for taking a look at this.
>> Can you show an example of new mdo data (from print_codes())?
> incoming arguments:
> spec/benchmarks/_213_javac/ConstantPool.put(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
>  interpreter_invocation_count:  3245628
>  invocation_counter:            3245628
>  backedge_counter:                    0
>  MethodArgsTypeData args(2)
>                                    arg off 0 'spec/benchmarks/_213_javac/ConstantPool'
>                                    arg off 1 unknown
> arguments to a call and return value:
> 31 invokevirtual 153 <java/util/Hashtable.put(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;>
>  100 bci: 31   VirtualCallArgsTypeDatacount(0) entries(1)
>                                    'java/util/Hashtable'(70 1.00)
>                                    args(2)
>                                    arg off 1 'spec/benchmarks/_213_javac/Identifier'
>                                    arg off 2 'spec/benchmarks/_213_javac/ClassDeclaration'
>                                    ret null
>> You need to describe where new info is recorded so we don't need to search for it.
> I should have given more details, you're right.
> My change records types which can either be none (no profile), unknown (conflicting profile data), null (always null reference)

Since these obviously need explanation we should use the explanation text instead.  It will help us to not have to explain it in the future.

> or the actual klass.
> There's no counter associated with the type and it keeps track of a single type.
> It records types for all incoming reference arguments of a method, up to TypeProfileNbCallArgs outgoing arguments at calls and the return type at calls if that makes sense.
> So if the signature is void m(Object a), it only records type of a. If it is m(Object a, Object b), it records type of a and b. If it is m(int i, Object a, long l, Object b, Object c) it records type for a and b.
>> From what I see MethodArgs are recorded at the end of MDO. CallArgs and CallRet are recorded together with Call's receiver klass data (receiver is simple first argument). Right?
> Yes.
>> Why do you need 2 cells per arg when you record only one type without counter? What is arg_off_rel_off for?
> It's an offset on the interpreter stack so that the interpreter can locate each argument that needs profiling.

Generally speaking we should stop abbreviating everything to death.  off_rel_off doesn't look very intuitive to me.  We can use longer names; screens are bigger these days :-)

-- Chris

>> 737   enum {
>> 738     arg_off_rel_off,
>> 739     arg_type_rel_off,
>> 740     per_arg_cell_count
>> 741   };
>> Why not reuse ReceiverTypeData for all new data (you used it only for VirtualCallArgs)?
> Keeping track of 2 types, and 2 counters when all we need is a single class looks like a waste of space especially if we want to collect a lot more type data. It also leads to some runtime overhead to keep track of the counters and the other type that we never use.
>> What next fields are for? I don't see constructor is called.
>> TypeDataAtCall {
>>  const int _base_off;
>>  ProfileData* _pd;
> I tried to share as much code as possible among the various type profiling I wanted to do and I used composition. For instance, VirtualCallArgsTypeData has a RetArgsTypeData _args_type_data member which itself has members ArgsTypeData _args and RetTypeData _ret which themselves are subclasses of TypeDataAtCall. The code for the layout of the data is all shared in ArgsTypeData, RetTypeData, TypeDataAtCall and they need a pointer back to the ProfileData of VirtualCallArgsTypeData and the offset where their own piece of memory starts to do updates to VirtualCallArgsTypeData itself.
>> "Parameters refers to the list of variables in a method declaration. Arguments are the actual values that are passed in when the method is invoked."
>> May be:
>> TypeProfileCallArgs --> TypeProfileArgs
>> TypeProfileCallRet  --> TypeProfileRet
>> TypeProfileMethodArgs --> TypeProfileParams
>> Definitely:
>> TypeProfileNbCallArgs --> TypeProfileArgsLimit
> Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep them in mind.
> Roland.

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