RFR (L): 7153771: array bound check elimination for c1

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Thu Feb 21 15:44:22 PST 2013


The research paper said about 55% improvement for scimark.LU. You got 
18.7%. There is big effect of cpu cache size on scimark results. Could 
you rerun scimark with small matrix size? :

<   scimark_args="-large"
 >   scimark_args=""


On 2/20/13 8:56 AM, Roland Westrelin wrote:
> I forgot the perf results.
> Roland.
> ============================================================================
> tserver-base-client: reference_server
>    Benchmark         Samples        Mean     Stdev
>    jetstream              10       71.18      0.01
>      Copy                 10      923.50      0.03
>      Parse                10       55.50      0.01
>      Read                 10       24.00      0.03
>      Write                10      317.10      0.02
>    scimark                10      307.82      0.00
>      Sparse               10      219.86      0.01
>      LU                   10      535.98      0.00
>      SOR                  10      622.70      0.00
>      FFT                  10       32.32      0.00
>      Monte                10      128.23      0.00
>    specjbb2000            10   309060.88      0.01
>      First_Warehouse      10    45224.53      0.00
>      Last_Warehouse       10   309060.89      0.01
>    specjbb2005            10   129684.88      0.01
>      peak                 10   137062.81      0.01
>      peak_warehouse       10        4.00      0.00
>      last                 10   129684.88      0.01
>      interval_average     10     7628.70      0.01
>      first                10    19314.00      0.00
>      overall_average      10   108614.46      0.01
>      last_warehouse       10        8.00      0.00
>    specjvm98              10      477.99      0.00
>      javac                10      319.46      0.00
>      db                   10      344.64      0.00
>      jess                 10      381.30      0.00
>      jack                 10      379.54      0.01
>      compress             10      505.53      0.00
>      mtrt                 10     1018.25      0.02
>      mpegaudio            10      695.23      0.00
>    volano25               10   171270.09      0.01
>      connections          10      400.00      0.00
>      time                 10        4.67      0.01
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Weighted Geomean             12848.65
> ============================================================================
> tserver-abce-client: reference_server
>    Benchmark         Samples        Mean     Stdev   %Diff    P   Significant
>    jetstream              10       73.59      0.01    3.38 0.000          Yes
>      Copy                 10      908.20      0.04    1.66 0.324            *
>      Parse                10       53.50      0.01    3.60 0.000          Yes
>      Read                 10       22.20      0.02    7.50 0.000          Yes
>      Write                10      316.60      0.02    0.16 0.834            *
>    scimark                10      343.38      0.00   11.56 0.000          Yes
>      Sparse               10      231.70      0.01    5.39 0.000          Yes
>      LU                   10      636.11      0.00   18.68 0.000          Yes
>      SOR                  10      685.85      0.00   10.14 0.000          Yes
>      FFT                  10       32.43      0.00    0.32 0.000          Yes
>      Monte                10      130.84      0.00    2.03 0.000          Yes
>    specjbb2000            10   313336.28      0.01    1.38 0.013            *
>      First_Warehouse      10    45396.47      0.00    0.38 0.060            *
>      Last_Warehouse       10   313336.27      0.01    1.38 0.013            *
>    specjbb2005            10   135469.84      0.01    4.46 0.000          Yes
>      peak                 10   143285.94      0.00    4.54 0.000          Yes
>      peak_warehouse       10        4.00      0.00   -0.00 0.000            *
>      last                 10   135469.84      0.01    4.46 0.000          Yes
>      interval_average     10     7968.80      0.01    4.46 0.000          Yes
>      first                10    20434.39      0.00    5.80 0.000          Yes
>      overall_average      10   113769.13      0.00    4.75 0.000          Yes
>      last_warehouse       10        8.00      0.00   -0.00 0.000            *
>    specjvm98              10      496.53      0.00    3.88 0.000          Yes
>      javac                10      319.00      0.00   -0.14 0.442            *
>      db                   10      346.65      0.00    0.58 0.000          Yes
>      jess                 10      397.70      0.00    4.30 0.000          Yes
>      jack                 10      386.73      0.01    1.90 0.000          Yes
>      compress             10      531.25      0.00    5.09 0.000          Yes
>      mtrt                 10     1017.30      0.02   -0.09 0.924            *
>      mpegaudio            10      809.66      0.00   16.46 0.000          Yes
>    volano25               10   170535.09      0.01   -0.43 0.338            *
>      connections          10      400.00      0.00    0.00 0.000            *
>      time                 10        4.69      0.01   -0.43 0.342            *
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Weighted Geomean             13340.24              3.83
> ============================================================================

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