AVX 256 instructions in JDK7?

Ondřej Perutka perutka.ondrej at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 13:54:56 PDT 2013

Hello again,
I don't want to speak too soon but I think I found the problem. This mail
is a bit longer, so first of all let me answer your questions (feel free to
skip this part :-)).

> First, what java version you are experimented with?

java version "1.7.0_09-icedtea"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (fedora-
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

Could you clarify your statement?:

Attached is output from the Intel's Software Development Emulator and
memory map of the emulated application. There are listed time consuming
transitions between AVX and SSE instructions in the SDE output. Important
are lines with non-zero number of "Dynamic AVX to SSE Transitions". This
means transition from the state B to the state C of YMM registers (using
Agner's terminology). Each line has address of the "State Change Block". In
this case it should be address of the block which put the registers into
the state B (and did not call vzeroupper to put them into the state A).
Almost all of those addresses points somewhere into an anonymous memory.

Do you have call stacks?

Unfortunately I cannot get call stacks because it's almost impossible to
debug JVM running within the SDE (it's terribly slow, it takes several
minutes even to start my application). And without SDE I cannot get those
"State Change Block" addresses pointing to the anonymous memory so I don't
know where to put breakpoints.

Does the problem happened only in this code or during calls into Libav?

I'm not sure I understand your question so I hope the answer is
satisfactory :-) : I have not checked any other code but I'm pretty sure it
would cause trouble in any other call to a native code which mixes SSE and
AVX 128 instructions.

As I understand, it is only problem if you mix SSE and AVX instructions in
> the same loop. Our JIT should not do that. It generates only AVX
> instructions (with VEX prefix) if AVX is available.

 It's not only problem of some loop it makes problems to the whole thread.
(OS is responsible for clearing upper half of YMM registers on context
switching, so it should not affect other threads.) The whole problem starts
if there is some VEX prefixed 256 bit instruction not followed by the
VZEROUPPER instruction. It leaves upper half of some YMM register used. And
if it is followed by some block of SSE instructions or even worse by some
block which mixes SSE and 128 bit AVX instructions it will cause time
consuming transition(s) between states of YMM registers.

Here is a problematic example:

# some 256 bit AVX instruction:
AVX 256
# call to a function which mixes SSE and 128 bit AVX instructions:
AVX 128
AVX 128
AVX 128

And here is a correct example:

# some 256 bit AVX instruction:
AVX 256
# call to a function which mixes SSE and 128 bit AVX instructions:
AVX 128
AVX 128
AVX 128


OK, that's all about your e-mail, now about my findings. Thanks to Peter
Levart, who wrote me it's possible to disable AVX instructions within JVM
using the -XX:UseAVX=0 command line option, I was able to filter noise from
the SDE output. The rest was the problematic spot. It is the
_dl_x86_64_save_sse function from the ld-2.15.so library. This function is
called (indirectly) from the Java_sun_font_NativeFont_fontExists function
which is a part of the libfontmanager.so library. I believe it's a part of
OpenJDK since it's located in my OpenJDK directory tree. Here is the call

#0 0x0000003579214e80 in _dl_x86_64_save_sse () from
#1 0x000000357920ad09 in _dl_lookup_symbol_x () from
#2 0x000000357920e2d4 in _dl_fixup () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
#3 0x00000035792148e5 in _dl_runtime_resolve () from
#4 0x00007fffdea841a8 in Java_sun_font_NativeFont_fontExists ()
#5 0x00007fffed011f90 in ?? ()
#6 0x00007fffed005410 in ?? ()

The Java_sun_font_NativeFont_fontExists function was called only once right
after my application started.

To prove it's the cause of all problems I made a little hack to the
libfontmanager.so and added the vzeroupper instruction opcode before return
from the Java_sun_font_NativeFont_fontExists. (I also removed corresponding
nop padding from the end of the function.) Everything works fine since then
even with enabled AVX instructions. It seems this forgotten call caused
literally a chain reaction. Attached is output from the emulator made after
this hack. You can compare it with the previous one. (There are still some
conflicts because the vzeroupper is not called immediately after return
from the _dl_runtime_resolve function.)

I don't know whether the _dl_runtime_resolve function called directly from
the Java_sun_font_NativeFont_fontExists function is a part of ld's public
API or not, so I don't know whether the bug is on side of OpenJDK or


2013/3/26 Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com>

> Hi Ondrej
> we need more context from you.
> First, what java version you are experimented with?
> Currently AVX wide vectors usage is only available in EA jdk8.
> In 7u4 was added only usage of VEX prefix.
> The "anonymous memory" is most likely our CodeCache where JIT places
> compiled native code.
> Could you clarify your statement?:
> >> The origin of almost all bad transitions from AVX -> SSE (I mean the
> code that uses
> >> AVX 256 instructions and does not call VZEROUPPER) is somewhere inside
> >> anonymous memory blocks (according to Intel's SDE and pmem).
> Do you have call stacks?
> Does the problem happened only in this code or during calls into Libav?
> >> to the same libraries with AVX disabled. The problem is definitely in
> >> "bad" transitions between SSE and AVX instructions. These transitions
> >> are costly in case the upper part of YMM registers is not zeroed using
> >> VZEROUPPER or VZEROALL instruction before using SSE. More details at
> >> http://agner.org/optimize/optimizing_assembly.pdf (section 13.6).
> As I understand, it is only problem if you mix SSE and AVX instructions in
> the same loop. Our JIT should not do that. It generates only AVX
> instructions (with VEX prefix) if AVX is available.
> Regards,
> Vladimir
> On 3/26/13 11:34 AM, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>> [That question should go to hotspot-compiler-dev.  BCC'ed
>> hotspot-runtime-dev.]
>> On Mar 26, 2013, at 8:20 AM, Ondřej Perutka <perutka.ondrej at gmail.com
>> <mailto:perutka.ondrej at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>> I've got a question related to my project. It is Java wrapper for
>>> Libav libraries and I have some performance issues with it.
>>> If I compile the libraries with AVX instructions enabled the whole
>>> testing application uses approximately 130% of CPU time in comparison
>>> to the same libraries with AVX disabled. The problem is definitely in
>>> "bad" transitions between SSE and AVX instructions. These transitions
>>> are costly in case the upper part of YMM registers is not zeroed using
>>> VZEROUPPER or VZEROALL instruction before using SSE. More details at
>>> http://agner.org/optimize/optimizing_assembly.pdf (section 13.6).
>>> There is no problem with those libraries, if they are not used from
>>> Java. I used Intel's Software Developer Emulator to find those bad AVX
>>> <-> SSE transitions and I found thousands of them. The origin of
>>> almost all bad transitions from AVX -> SSE (I mean the code that uses
>>> AVX 256 instructions and does not call VZEROUPPER) is somewhere inside
>>> anonymous memory blocks (according to Intel's SDE and pmem).
>>> Libav mixes SSE and AVX 128 instructions a lot. It cannot cause any
>>> trouble if the upper part of YMM registers is zeroed. But in case it
>>> is not zeroed it would oscillate between B and C states (according to
>>> the Agner's terminology). Both of these transitions costs quite a lot
>>> of CPU cycles.
>>> So here is my question: Is it possible that JIT compiler compiles some
>>> bytecode into native instructions, uses some AVX 256 instrucitons,
>>> does not use VZEROUPPER and puts the result into some anonymous memory
>>> block?
>>> Ondrej Perutka
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# ===================================================
# AVX/SSE transition checker 
# 'Penalty in Block' provides the address (rIP) of the code basic block with
#       the penaties.
# 'Dynamic AVX to SSE Transition' counts the number of potentially 
#       costly AVX-to-SSE sequences
# 'Dynamic SSE to AVX  Transition' counts the number of potentially 
#       costly SSE-to-AVX sequences
# 'Static Icount' is the static number instructions in the block
# 'Executions' is the dynamic number of times the block was executed
# 'Dynamic Icount' is the product of the static icount and executions columns
# 'Previous Block' is an attempt to find the  previous control flow block
# 'State Change Block' is an attempt to find the block that put the 
#       state machine in a state that conflicted with this block, causing a
#       transition in this block
# ===================================================
         Penalty      Dynamic      Dynamic                                                          State 
              in   AVX to SSE   SSE to AVX   Static             Dynamic         Previous           Change 
           Block   Transition   Transition   Icount Executions   Icount            Block            Block 
================ ============ ============ ======== ========== ======== ================ ================ 

  0x7f771a2784e0         3064            0        6     198141  1188846   0x7f76d5f089c0   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- [anon]
#Previous block in routine:   .plt @ 0x7f76d5f089c0						- libbridj.so - 0x79c0
#Penalty detected in routine: __strlen_sse2_pminub @ 0x7f771a2784e0		- libc-2.15.so - 0x15f4e0

  0x7f771a247979            1            0        7      28121   196847   0x7f771a247970   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __strchr_sse42 @ 0x7f771a247970			- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __strchr_sse42 @ 0x7f771a247979			- 

  0x7f771a1a8580           39            0       20      26349   526980   0x7f771a15f742   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   vfprintf @ 0x7f771a15f742					- 
#Penalty detected in routine: strchrnul @ 0x7f771a1a8580				- 

  0x7f771a2497b9            8            0        9       2102    18918   0x7f771a2497b0   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __strrchr_sse42 @ 0x7f771a2497b0			- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __strrchr_sse42 @ 0x7f771a2497b9			- 

  0x7f771a1a16ca            2            0        4      50638   202552   0x7f771a1a1610   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __GI_memset @ 0x7f771a1a1610				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __GI_memset @ 0x7f771a1a16ca				- 

  0x7f771a1acc10            1            0       11      10353   113883   0x7f771a1acbfc   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90					- 
#Previous block in routine:   __strncpy_sse2_unaligned @ 0x7f771a1acbfc		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __strncpy_sse2_unaligned @ 0x7f771a1acc10		- 

  0x7f771a25d8e5          182            0       11     414180  4555980   0x7f771a25d8e0   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- [anon]
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8e0		- libc-2.15.so - 0x1448e0
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8e5		- libc-2.15.so - 0x1448e5

  0x7f771a25d953          169            0       12    1809103 21709236   0x7f771a25d940   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- [anon]
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d940		- libc-2.15.so - 0x144940
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d953		- libc-2.15.so - 0x144953

  0x7f771a25f728            1            0        9         95      855   0x7f771a25d8b1   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8b1		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25f728		- 

  0x7f771a25fcbc          109            0        5      47417   237085   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fcbc		- 

  0x7f771a25fc8a            1            0       15       1714    25710   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412e4f0
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e4f0				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fc8a		- 

  0x7f77196a2043          185            0        8      43292   346336   0x7f77196a203e   0x7f7714131fc7
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f7714131fc7				- 
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77196a203e					- 
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77196a2043					- 

  0x7f771a25fabc            1            0        5        713     3565   0x7f771a25d8b1   0x7f771415cec0
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771415cec0				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8b1		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fabc		- 

  0x7f771a25f4a6            1            0        3       6793    20379   0x7f771a25d8b1   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8b1		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25f4a6		- 

  0x7f771a2601dc            5            0        7        340     2380   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a2601dc		- 

  0x7f771a25fbcc            3            0        5        546     2730   0x7f771a25d8b1   0x7f771415db4d
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771415db4d				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8b1		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fbcc		- 

  0x7f771a25f49c            4            0        5      27739   138695   0x7f771a25d8b1   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8b1		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25f49c		- 

  0x7f771a25fdf6            1            0        5        356     1780   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fdf6		- 

  0x7f771a25f47e            1            0       11       4349    47839   0x7f771a25d8b1   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8b1		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25f47e		- 

  0x7f77193b4a66         2566            0        9      14637   131733   0x7f77193b4a55   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- [anon]
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77193b4a55					- libjvm.so - 0x4f0a55
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77193b4a66					- libjvm.so - 0x4f0a66

  0x7f77196f4e6e         4009            0        9      24386   219474   0x7f77196f4e5d   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- [anon]
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77196f4e5d					- libjvm.so - 0x830e5d
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77196f4e6e					- libjvm.so - 0x830e6e

  0x7f771a25fe5c           62            0        7        267     1869   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fe5c		- 

  0x7f77196a23c1          127            0        8       2545    20360   0x7f77196a23b9   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77196a23b9					- 
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77196a23c1					- 

  0x7f771411b46f          992            0       19      91654  1741426   0x7f77193ed337   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77193ed337					- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b46f				- 

  0x7f77193e49b0          367            0        9       8292    74628   0x7f77193e49a4   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77193e49a4					- 
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 

  0x7f771412cf90            0        21010       12     411139  4933668     0x357d21f5da   0x7f771a25fdf6
#Initial state from routine:  __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fdf6		- libc-2.15.so - 0x146df6
#Previous block in routine:   XChangeProperty @ 0x357d21f5da			- libX11.so.6.3.0 - 0x1f5da
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- [anon]

  0x7f771411b522          492            0       11      47014   517154   0x7f771411b519   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b519				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b522				- 

  0x7f77193e49c2          607            0        6       7878    47268   0x7f77193e505c   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77193e505c					- 
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- 

  0x7f771a260082            1            0        9         83      747   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a260082		- 

  0x7f771411b524          758            0       10      44629   446290   0x7f771411b546   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b546				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b524				- 

  0x7f771a25fe52            2            0        9        146     1314   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25fe52		- 

  0x7f771412e94b            0          310        4      42578   170312   0x7f771412e946   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e946				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e94b				- 

  0x7f771412f490            0           19        5      27906   139530   0x7f771412f460   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f460				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f490				- 

  0x7f771412e4f0            0          244        5      65253   326265   0x7f771412b54c   0x7f77193e49c2
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412b54c				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e4f0				- 

  0x7f771412f390            0            6        5      74163   370815   0x7f771412b54c   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412b54c				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f390				- 

  0x7f7714131fc7            0         2086        5     186741   933705   0x7f771412f110   0x7f771411b522
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b522				- [anon]
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f110				- [anon]
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714131fc7				- [anon]

  0x7f77141639fe            0            1        3      10000    30000   0x7f771412ce80   0x7f771a247979
#Initial state from routine:  __strchr_sse42 @ 0x7f771a247979			- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412ce80				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f77141639fe				- 

  0x7f77178f6cc0        14682            0        6      14684    88104   0x7f77141b5647   0x7f771412f410
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f410								- [anon]
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f77141b5647								- [anon]
#Penalty detected in routine: Java_java_lang_Float_floatToRawIntBits @ 0x7f77178f6cc0	- libjava.so - 0xecc0

  0x7f771412eb8c            0          199        4      88831   355324   0x7f771412eb70   0x7f77196f4e6e
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77196f4e6e					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412eb70				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412eb8c				- 

  0x7f771412f590            0            6        5      32549   162745   0x7f771412b54c   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412b54c				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f590				- 

  0x7f77178f6800          326            0        6       8118    48708   0x7f771412cf5d   0x7f7714132027
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f7714132027									- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf5d									- 
#Penalty detected in routine: Java_java_lang_Double_doubleToRawLongBits @ 0x7f77178f6800	- 

  0x7f771412f410            0         1631        5     180159   900795   0x7f7714121177   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- libjvm.so - 0x5209b0
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f7714121177				- [anon]
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f410				- [anon]

  0x7f77141377f8            0            9        6        177     1062   0x7f77141377ef   0x7f77193e49c2
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f77141377ef				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f77141377f8				- 

  0x7f771413a4e1            0         1593       10      12724   127240   0x7f771412f8d0   0x7f7719557e61
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f7719557e61					- libjvm.so - 0x693e61
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f8d0				- [anon]
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771413a4e1				- [anon]

  0x7f771412e570            0            6        5      27043   135215   0x7f771412e972   0x7f771a1a8580
#Initial state from routine:  strchrnul @ 0x7f771a1a8580				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e972				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e570				- 

  0x7f771412f510            0            1        5      28074   140370   0x7f771412f4e0   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f4e0				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f510				- 

  0x7f7714132027            0           12        5      27605   138025   0x7f771412f110   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f110				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714132027				- 

  0x7f771a260318            1            0       11         63      693   0x7f771a25d8ca   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a25d8ca		- 
#Penalty detected in routine: __memcpy_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a260318		- 

  0x7f771412f48f            0            3        6         85      510   0x7f771412f010   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f010				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f48f				- 

  0x7f771412edb0            0            2        7     173881  1217167   0x7f771412ed80   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412ed80				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412edb0				- 

  0x7f7719557e61           73            0        9        705     6345   0x7f7719557e4d   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f7719557e4d					- 
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f7719557e61					- 

  0x7f771412e6f0            0          148        5      15421    77105   0x7f771412e6c0   0x7f77193b4a66
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193b4a66					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e6c0				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e6f0				- 

  0x7f7714137814            0            7        9        140     1260   0x7f77141377ef   0x7f77193e49c2
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f77141377ef				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714137814				- 

  0x7f771412e6ef            0            1        6         25      150   0x7f771412e0f0   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e0f0				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e6ef				- 

  0x7f771412e56f            0            2        6         45      270   0x7f771412f010   0x7f77196a23c1
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77196a23c1					- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f010				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e56f				- 

  0x7f771412f610            0            1        5      18843    94215   0x7f771412f5e0   0x7f77193e49c2
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f5e0				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f610				- 

  0x7f771413a481            0            1       10      68980   689800   0x7f771412f7cb   0x7f77193e49c2
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f7cb				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771413a481				- 

  0x7f77178f67f0          103            0        6       2765    16590   0x7f771412cf5d   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90								- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf5d								- 
#Penalty detected in routine: Java_java_lang_Double_longBitsToDouble @ 0x7f77178f67f0	- libjava.so

  0x7f771412ee50            0            4        7      15799   110593   0x7f771412ee42   0x7f77193e49c2
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412ee42				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412ee50				- 

  0x7f771412e670            0            2        5      22977   114885   0x7f771412e640   0x7f771411b524
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b524				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e640				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e670				- 

  0x7f7714152e60            9            0       26         65     1690   0x7f77141d325e   0x7f7714131fc7
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f7714131fc7				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f77141d325e				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714152e60				- 

  0x7f7714152a60            4            0       26         38      988   0x7f7714185360   0x7f771412e94b
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412e94b				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f7714185360				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714152a60				- 

  0x7f7714152c60            6            0       26         70     1820   0x7f77141cf1a8   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f77141cf1a8				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714152c60				- 

  0x7f771415cec0            0         1268        6      27091   162546   0x7f771415ced8   0x7f77196f4e6e
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77196f4e6e					- libjvm.so - 0x830e6e
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771415ced8				- [anon]
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771415cec0				- [anon]

  0x7f771a262e90            1            0       11       4261    46871   0x7f771a262e6e   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a262e6e		- libc-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a262e90		- libc-2.15.so

  0x7f77190f7806            1            0        9         11       99   0x7f77190f77f5   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7f77190f77f5					- libjvm.so
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77190f7806					- libjvm.so

  0x7f771a264a8c            1            0        5       4579    22895   0x7f771a262e77   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a262e77		- libc-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a264a8c		- libc-2.15.so

  0x7f7714120522            0            3        2       4337     8674   0x7f7714120512   0x7f771411b524
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b524				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f7714120512				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714120522				- 

  0x7f7714153060            1            0       26         41     1066   0x7f77141c76ed   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f77141c76ed				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f7714153060				- 

  0x7f771a264fac            3            0        5         11       55   0x7f771a262e77   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a262e77		- libc-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a264fac		- libc-2.15.so

  0x7f771415d0d0            0            3        6        284     1704   0x7f771415d0e8   0x7f7714152c60
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f7714152c60				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771415d0e8				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771415d0d0				- 

  0x7f771a264fa2            1            0        7         13       91   0x7f771a262e77   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a262e77		- libc-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a264fa2		- libc-2.15.so

  0x7f771a264a82            1            0        7       1166     8162   0x7f771a262e77   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a262e77		- libc-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a264a82		- libc-2.15.so

  0x7f771415db4d            0          471        4       1640     6560   0x7f771415db40   0x7f77196f4e6e
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77196f4e6e					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771415db40				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771415db4d				- 

  0x7f771412fa76            0            3        5     133861   669305   0x7f771412fa67   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412fa67				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412fa76				- 

  0x7f771412edaf            0            1        8      12538   100304   0x7f771412f10f   0x7f77193e49c2
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49c2					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412f10f				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412edaf				- 

  0x7f771412fad6            0            3        5       4208    21040   0x7f771412fac7   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412fac7				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412fad6				- 

  0x7f77141645dd            0            1       12          1       12   0x7f771412ce75   0x7f771411b524
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771411b524				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412ce75				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f77141645dd				- 

  0x7f76bc266f40            1            0       18          1       18   0x7f771412cf5d   0x7f77141645dd
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f77141645dd														- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf5d														- 
#Penalty detected in routine: Java_sun_font_FreetypeFontScaler_createScalerContextNative @ 0x7f76bc266f40		- libfontmanager.so

  0x7f771412c8a0            0            1        9        206     1854   0x7f771413812c   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f771413812c				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f771412c8a0				- 

  0x7f76bc2677c6            1            0       14         25      350   0x7f76bc26779f   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90												- 
#Previous block in routine:   Java_sun_font_FreetypeFontScaler_getGlyphImageNative @ 0x7f76bc26779f		- libfontmanager.so
#Penalty detected in routine: Java_sun_font_FreetypeFontScaler_getGlyphImageNative @ 0x7f76bc2677c6		- libfontmanager.so

  0x7f77196fbd36           20            0        8         25      200     0x3579a0c41c   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   pthread_getspecific @ 0x3579a0c41c		- libpthread-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: .text @ 0x7f77196fbd36					- libjvm.so

  0x7f77141373c3            0            1        4         20       80   0x7f77141373ba   0x7f77193e49b0
#Initial state from routine:  .text @ 0x7f77193e49b0					- libjvm.so
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f77141373ba				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7f77141373c3				- 

  0x7f76d5f14a18           61            0       27      13993   377811   0x7f76dc4cb000   0x7f771412cf90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771412cf90				- 
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7f76dc4cb000				- 
#Penalty detected in routine: dcbGetUserData @ 0x7f76d5f14a18			- libbridj.so

  0x7f7718bde770            0            6       11          6       66   0x7f7718b8a550   0x7f76d59c20b2
#Initial state from routine:  av_d2q @ 0x7f76d59c20b2					- libavutil.so.52.5.0
#Previous block in routine:   .plt @ 0x7f7718b8a550						- libm-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __ieee754_log_avx @ 0x7f7718bde770		- libm-2.15.so

  0x7f76d59c20b2            6            0       18          6      108   0x7f7718bdf0b6   0x7f7718bde770
#Initial state from routine:  __ieee754_log_avx @ 0x7f7718bde770		- libm-2.15.so
#Previous block in routine:   __ieee754_log_avx @ 0x7f7718bdf0b6		- libm-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: av_d2q @ 0x7f76d59c20b2					- libavutil.so.52.5.0

  0x7f7718be9270            0           10       13         10      130   0x7f76c69334f0   0x7f76c6941414
#Initial state from routine:  ff_init_ff_cos_tabs @ 0x7f76c6941414		- libavcodec.so.54.40.0
#Previous block in routine:   .plt @ 0x7f76c69334f0						- libavcodec.so.54.40.0
#Penalty detected in routine: __cos_avx @ 0x7f7718be9270				- libm-2.15.so

  0x7f76c6941414           10            0        6         10       60   0x7f7718be9600   0x7f7718be67a4
#Initial state from routine:  csloww @ 0x7f7718be67a4					- libm-2.15.so
#Previous block in routine:   __cos_avx @ 0x7f7718be9600				- libm-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: ff_init_ff_cos_tabs @ 0x7f76c6941414		- libavcodec.so.54.40.0

  0x7f7718bc0e60            4            0       70          4      280   0x7f7718be677d   0x7f7718be66a0
#Initial state from routine:  csloww @ 0x7f7718be66a0					- libm-2.15.so
#Previous block in routine:   csloww @ 0x7f7718be677d					- libm-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __dubsin @ 0x7f7718bc0e60					- libm-2.15.so

  0x7f7718be66a0            0            2        8          2       16   0x7f7718bc1819   0x7f7718bc0e60
#Initial state from routine:  __dubsin @ 0x7f7718bc0e60					- libm-2.15.so
#Previous block in routine:   __dubsin @ 0x7f7718bc1819					- libm-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: csloww @ 0x7f7718be66a0					- libm-2.15.so

  0x7f7718be67a4            0            2        8          2       16   0x7f7718bc1819   0x7f7718bc0e60
#Initial state from routine:  __dubsin @ 0x7f7718bc0e60					- libm-2.15.so
#Previous block in routine:   __dubsin @ 0x7f7718bc1819					- libm-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: csloww @ 0x7f7718be67a4					- libm-2.15.so

  0x7f771a264f2c            3            0        5         14       70   0x7f771a262e77   0x7f771415db4d
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7f771415db4d				- 
#Previous block in routine:   __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a262e77		- libc-2.15.so
#Penalty detected in routine: __memmove_ssse3_back @ 0x7f771a264f2c		- libc-2.15.so

# AVX_to_SSE_transition_instances:        29080
# SSE_to_AVX_transition_instances:        29079
# Dynamic_insts:                          203563703160
# AVX_to_SSE_instances/instruction:       0.0000
# SSE_to_AVX_instances/instruction:       0.0000
# AVX_to_SSE_instances/100instructions:   0.0000
# SSE_to_AVX_instances/100instructions:   0.0000
-------------- next part --------------
26906:   java -jar playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar /media/D/Filmy/HD/the.dark.knight.rises.2012.1080p.bluray.x264-alliance.mkv
0000000000400000      4K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
0000000000600000      8K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00000000006b1000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
0000000030400000   6944K r-x--  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pinbin
0000000030ac8000   2048K -----    [ anon ]
0000000030cc8000    240K rw---  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pinbin
0000000030d04000    188K rw---    [ anon ]
0000000030d33000     28K rwx--    [ anon ]
0000000030d3a000    216K rw---    [ anon ]
0000000030d70000    252K rwx--    [ anon ]
0000000030db0000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
0000000030db5000    240K rwx--    [ anon ]
0000000030df1000      4K -----    [ anon ]
0000000030df2000    416K rw---    [ anon ]
0000000779800000  21248K rw---    [ anon ]
000000077acc0000 148736K rw---    [ anon ]
0000000783e00000  84736K rw---    [ anon ]
00000007890c0000 1271040K rw---    [ anon ]
00000007d6a00000  42368K rw---    [ anon ]
00000007d9360000 635520K rw---    [ anon ]
00000034f6200000    620K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6.8.0
00000034f629b000   2044K -----  /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6.8.0
00000034f649a000     24K r----  /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6.8.0
00000034f64a0000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so.6.8.0
0000003579200000    128K r-x--  /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so
000000357941f000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so
0000003579420000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so
0000003579421000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
0000003579600000   1712K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00000035797ac000   2048K -----  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00000035799ac000     16K r----  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00000035799b0000      8K rw---  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00000035799b2000     20K rw---    [ anon ]
0000003579a00000     88K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.15.so
0000003579a16000   2048K -----  /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.15.so
0000003579c16000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.15.so
0000003579c17000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/libpthread-2.15.so
0000003579c18000     16K rw---    [ anon ]
0000003579e00000     12K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
0000003579e03000   2044K -----  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
000000357a002000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
000000357a003000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
000000357a200000     28K r-x--  /usr/lib64/librt-2.15.so
000000357a207000   2044K -----  /usr/lib64/librt-2.15.so
000000357a406000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/librt-2.15.so
000000357a407000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/librt-2.15.so
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00007f76bcc25000      8K r--s-  /var/cache/fontconfig/d3379abda271c4acd2ad0c01f565d0b0-le64.cache-3
00007f76bcc27000      4K r--s-  /var/cache/fontconfig/b4d0b56f766d89640448751fcd18ec1e-le64.cache-3
00007f76bcc28000     44K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bcc33000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bcc35000      4K r--s-  /var/cache/fontconfig/3640555adad8a8f6978400293cfce7ab-le64.cache-3
00007f76bcc36000     60K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bcc45000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bcc47000  22692K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76be270000   1044K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76be375000     12K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76be378000    208K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76be3ac000      4K r----    [ anon ]
00007f76be3ad000     88K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76be3c3000     28K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76be3ca000     12K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76be3cd000  10520K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bee13000    112K r-x--  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavresample.so.1.1.0
00007f76bee2f000   2044K -----  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavresample.so.1.1.0
00007f76bf02e000      8K rw---  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavresample.so.1.1.0
00007f76bf030000     60K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bf03f000   1180K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bf166000     16K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bf16a000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76bf16c000    284K r-x--  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libswscale.so.2.1.1
00007f76bf1b3000   2044K -----  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libswscale.so.2.1.1
00007f76bf3b2000      8K rw---  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libswscale.so.2.1.1
00007f76bf3b4000   9360K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavformat.so.54.21.2
00007f76bfcd8000   1100K r-x--  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavformat.so.54.21.2
00007f76bfdeb000   2048K -----  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavformat.so.54.21.2
00007f76bffeb000     84K rw---  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavformat.so.54.21.2
00007f76c0000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76c0021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76c4000000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76c4003000     36K r-x--  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavdevice.so.53.2.0
00007f76c400c000   2044K -----  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavdevice.so.53.2.0
00007f76c420b000      8K rw---  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavdevice.so.53.2.0
00007f76c420d000   3328K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76c454d000  36576K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavcodec.so.54.40.0
00007f76c6905000   6452K r-x--  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavcodec.so.54.40.0
00007f76c6f52000   2048K -----  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavcodec.so.54.40.0
00007f76c7152000    168K rw---  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavcodec.so.54.40.0
00007f76c717c000   5592K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76c76f2000   9272K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76c8000000   6496K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76c8658000  59040K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76cc000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76cc021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76d0000000   2620K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76d028f000  62916K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76d4000000     76K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d4013000     12K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76d4016000   1236K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d414b000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d414c000     40K r--s-  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d4156000     84K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d416b000   2560K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76d43eb000  22268K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d59aa000     16K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d59ae000    124K r-x--  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavutil.so.52.5.0
00007f76d59cd000   2044K -----  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavutil.so.52.5.0
00007f76d5bcc000     12K rw---  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavutil.so.52.5.0
00007f76d5bcf000     16K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76d5bd3000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d5bd5000   1036K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d5cd8000     44K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d5ce3000    516K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavutil.so.52.5.0
00007f76d5d64000   1412K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d5ec5000    216K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d5efb000     24K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d5f01000    100K r-x--  /tmp/BridJExtractedLibraries4858399960179125874/libbridj.so
00007f76d5f1a000   2044K -----  /tmp/BridJExtractedLibraries4858399960179125874/libbridj.so
00007f76d6119000      4K r----  /tmp/BridJExtractedLibraries4858399960179125874/libbridj.so
00007f76d611a000      4K rw---  /tmp/BridJExtractedLibraries4858399960179125874/libbridj.so
00007f76d611b000   6364K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d6752000   1496K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d68c8000     24K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d68ce000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d68d1000   1760K rw-s-    [ shmid=0x1670004 ]
00007f76d6a89000   9016K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d7357000    108K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d7372000    168K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d739c000     48K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d73a8000    160K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d73d0000    272K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d7414000   2564K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d7695000    332K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d76e8000   2048K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d78e8000     16K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d78ec000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76d78ed000    332K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d7940000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d7945000     84K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d795a000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d795c000   1220K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libswscale.so.2.1.1
00007f76d7a8d000     88K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d7aa3000   2048K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d7ca3000      4K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d7ca4000    556K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76d7d2f000    644K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d7dd0000   2048K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d7fd0000     48K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76d7fdc000    144K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76d8000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76d8021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76dc000000     60K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc00f000    452K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc080000     28K r--s-  /usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
00007f76dc087000    500K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc104000     72K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc116000    144K r----  /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo
00007f76dc13a000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc13d000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc140000    192K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc170000   1072K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc27c000     32K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc284000     60K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/lib/dx-1.7.jar
00007f76dc293000    972K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc386000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc387000     16K r--s-  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76dc38b000   2824K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc64d000     52K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc65a000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc65f000     28K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc666000     44K r--s-  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76dc671000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc672000     32K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/lib/bridj-0.6.2.jar
00007f76dc67a000    248K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc6b8000     16K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc6bc000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76dc6c1000     36K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/lib/jlibav-0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
00007f76dc6ca000  21544K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76ddbd4000 102576K r----  /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
00007f76e4000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76e4021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76e8000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76e8021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76ec000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76ec021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76f0000000    516K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f0081000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76f0082000   3180K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f039d000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f039f000     16K r--s-  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76f03a3000    992K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f049b000      4K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
00007f76f049c000    132K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f04bd000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f04be000     36K r--s-  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76f04c7000     28K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f04ce000     12K r--s-  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76f04d1000  10432K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f0f01000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76f0f02000   4464K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f135e000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f1361000  13816K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f20df000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76f20e0000  11492K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f2c19000    840K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f2ceb000     52K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f2cf8000     68K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76f2d09000   2044K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76f2f08000      4K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f76f2f09000    188K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f323b000  10772K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76f3cc0000  68864K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76f8000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76f8021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76fc000000    456K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fc375000  14796K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fd1e8000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fd1ea000   9952K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fdba2000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f76fdba3000   1652K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fdd40000   5140K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76fe245000     52K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fe252000  10280K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f76fec5c000   2868K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fef29000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fef2c000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fef2f000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f76fef30000  17216K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7700000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7700021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f7704000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7704021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f7708000000    132K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7708021000  65404K -----    [ anon ]
00007f770c000000    396K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770c063000    108K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770c07e000    272K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770c0c2000    464K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770c136000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770c13b000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770c13e000   1704K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770c2e8000    432K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770c354000   1712K r--s-  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f770c500000   4200K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770ca08000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770ca0b000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770ca14000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770ca1b000   9716K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770d398000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f770d399000  11760K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770df15000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f770df16000  11756K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770ea91000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f770ea92000  12268K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770f68d000      4K -----    [ anon ]
00007f770f68e000   1196K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770f7b9000     44K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770f7c4000    288K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770f80c000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770f80e000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770f811000     32K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770f819000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770f81b000    168K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770f845000   2480K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770fab1000    272K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770faf5000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770faf8000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770fafa000     44K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770fb05000    288K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770fb4d000    168K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770fb77000   2480K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770fde3000     84K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770fdf8000   1240K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770ff2e000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f770ff2f000    584K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770ffc1000    228K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f770fffa000     24K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7710000000  10920K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7710aaa000  54616K -----    [ anon ]
00007f7714000000    284K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7714047000     80K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771405b000     40K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7714065000    728K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771411b000   2496K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771438b000  46656K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771711b000    728K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77171d1000     16K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77171d5000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77171d6000     32K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f77171de000   2044K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f77173dd000      4K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f77173de000   1200K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771750a000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771750c000     32K rw-s-  /tmp/hsperfdata_daemonx/26906
00007f7717514000     28K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771751b000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771751d000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771751e000     48K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.15.so
00007f771752a000   2044K -----  /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.15.so
00007f7717729000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.15.so
00007f771772a000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/libnss_files-2.15.so
00007f771772b000   1240K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717861000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717862000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7717863000      4K r----    [ anon ]
00007f7717864000    416K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77178cc000     92K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77178e3000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77178e8000    168K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7717912000   2048K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7717b12000      8K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7717b14000    144K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717b38000     56K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717b46000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717b4b000     32K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717b53000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717b56000     52K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7717b63000   2044K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7717d62000      8K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7717d64000    600K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7717dfa000  10092K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77187d5000     12K -----    [ anon ]
00007f77187d8000   1092K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77188e9000    996K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f77189e2000    248K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718a20000   1412K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718b81000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718b84000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718b85000   1000K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libm-2.15.so
00007f7718c7f000   2044K -----  /usr/lib64/libm-2.15.so
00007f7718e7e000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/libm-2.15.so
00007f7718e7f000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/libm-2.15.so
00007f7718e80000     60K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718e8f000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718e91000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718e93000     24K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718e99000    172K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7718ec4000  10248K r-x--  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f77198c6000   2048K -----  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7719ac6000    644K rw---  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-
00007f7719b67000    172K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f7719b92000   1232K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7719cc6000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7719cc8000   1148K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7719de7000   2052K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7719fe8000     48K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f7719ff4000     72K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a006000    904K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a0e8000      8K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771a0ea000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a0eb000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771a0ec000    164K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a115000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a118000      4K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a119000   1712K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00007f771a2c5000   2048K -----  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00007f771a4c5000     16K r----  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00007f771a4c9000      8K rw---  /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so
00007f771a4cb000     20K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771a4d0000     12K r-x--  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
00007f771a4d3000   2044K -----  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
00007f771a6d2000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
00007f771a6d3000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/libdl-2.15.so
00007f771a6d4000    220K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a70b000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771a70c000    140K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a72f000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771a730000    308K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a77d000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a782000   1084K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a891000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f771a892000    596K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771a927000   1312K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771aa6f000   2304K -----    [ anon ]
00007f771acaf000  41472K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f771d52f000 218368K -----    [ anon ]
00007f772aa6f000   8204K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772b272000  11240K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f772bd6c000    100K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772bd85000    328K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavresample.so.1.1.0
00007f772bdd7000      8K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772bdd9000     12K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772bddc000    284K r--s-  /home/daemonx/NetBeansProjects/jlibav/samples/playback-sample/target/playback-sample-0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin/libav/libavdevice.so.53.2.0
00007f772be23000     16K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772be27000    916K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772bf0c000   2304K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f772c14c000   1280K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772c28c000     88K r-x--  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_ext_lib/libelf.so.0.8.13
00007f772c2a2000   2048K -----  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_ext_lib/libelf.so.0.8.13
00007f772c4a2000      4K rw---  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_ext_lib/libelf.so.0.8.13
00007f772c4a3000    224K r-x--  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_ext_lib/libdwarf.so
00007f772c4db000   2048K -----  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_ext_lib/libdwarf.so
00007f772c6db000      8K rw---  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_ext_lib/libdwarf.so
00007f772c6dd000   5060K r-x--  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/sde-mix-mt.so
00007f772cbce000   2048K -----  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/sde-mix-mt.so
00007f772cdce000    232K rw---  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/sde-mix-mt.so
00007f772ce08000   3772K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f772d1b7000     84K r-x--  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_lib/libgcc_s.so.1
00007f772d1cc000   2044K -----  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_lib/libgcc_s.so.1
00007f772d3cb000      4K rw---  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_lib/libgcc_s.so.1
00007f772d3cc000    896K r-x--  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_lib/libstdc++.so.6
00007f772d4ac000   2044K -----  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_lib/libstdc++.so.6
00007f772d6ab000     32K r----  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_lib/libstdc++.so.6
00007f772d6b3000      8K rw---  /home/daemonx/pokus/sde-bdw-external-5.38.0-2013-01-03-lin/intel64/pin_lib/libstdc++.so.6
00007f772d6b5000     88K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f772d6cb000     28K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772d6d2000    100K rw---    [ anon ]
00007f772d6eb000    124K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772d70b000     20K rwx--    [ anon ]
00007f772d710000    128K r-x--  /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so
00007f772d730000   2044K -----    [ anon ]
00007f772d92f000      4K r----  /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so
00007f772d930000      4K rw---  /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so
00007f772d931000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007fff4cfce000    132K rwx--    [ stack ]
00007fff4cfef000      4K rw---    [ anon ]
00007fff4cfff000      4K r-x--    [ anon ]
ffffffffff600000      4K r-x--    [ anon ]
 total          5386596K
-------------- next part --------------
# ===================================================
# AVX/SSE transition checker 
# 'Penalty in Block' provides the address (rIP) of the code basic block with
#       the penaties.
# 'Dynamic AVX to SSE Transition' counts the number of potentially 
#       costly AVX-to-SSE sequences
# 'Dynamic SSE to AVX  Transition' counts the number of potentially 
#       costly SSE-to-AVX sequences
# 'Static Icount' is the static number instructions in the block
# 'Executions' is the dynamic number of times the block was executed
# 'Dynamic Icount' is the product of the static icount and executions columns
# 'Previous Block' is an attempt to find the  previous control flow block
# 'State Change Block' is an attempt to find the block that put the 
#       state machine in a state that conflicted with this block, causing a
#       transition in this block
# ===================================================
         Penalty      Dynamic      Dynamic                                                          State 
              in   AVX to SSE   SSE to AVX   Static             Dynamic         Previous           Change 
           Block   Transition   Transition   Icount Executions   Icount            Block            Block 
================ ============ ============ ======== ========== ======== ================ ================ 
  0x7fdeb100046f            1            0       19      95204  1808876   0x7fdebc341337     0x3579214ec4
#Initial state from routine:  _dl_x86_64_save_sse @ 0x3579214ec4
#Previous block in routine:   .text @ 0x7fdebc341337
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7fdeb100046f
  0x7fdeb1011f90            0            4       12     431629  5179548   0x7fdebc3882bb   0x7fdeb1000522
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7fdeb1000522
#Previous block in routine:   JVM_CurrentThread @ 0x7fdebc3882bb
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7fdeb1011f90
  0x7fdeb1000522            4            0       11      49188   541068   0x7fdeb1000519   0x7fdeb1011f90
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7fdeb1011f90
#Previous block in routine:   *unknown* @ 0x7fdeb1000519
#Penalty detected in routine: *unknown* @ 0x7fdeb1000522
  0x7fde771071b3            0            1        9          2       18   0x7fdebd0dfa34   0x7fdeb1000522
#Initial state from routine:  *unknown* @ 0x7fdeb1000522
#Previous block in routine:   _int_free @ 0x7fdebd0dfa34
#Penalty detected in routine: Java_sun_font_NativeFont_fontExists @ 0x7fde771071b3
# AVX_to_SSE_transition_instances:        5
# SSE_to_AVX_transition_instances:        5
# Dynamic_insts:                          210676150372
# AVX_to_SSE_instances/instruction:       0.0000
# SSE_to_AVX_instances/instruction:       0.0000
# AVX_to_SSE_instances/100instructions:   0.0000
# SSE_to_AVX_instances/100instructions:   0.0000

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