Performance comparison: Dacapo benchmarks: tiered vs standard

Albert Noll albert.noll at
Fri May 3 12:49:54 PDT 2013

Hi all,
I compared to performance of TieredCompilation vs. the standard 
compilation using the Dacapo benchmarks.
The results are attached to this mail.


Executive summary:
The benchmarks show a significantly reduced startup time with 
TieredCompilation enabled.
Steady state performance is equal or better with TieredCcompilation 
compared to standard compilation.
One exception: jython benchmark. For jython, TieredCompilation takes 
until run 20 to come close
to the performance of standard compilation. The reason for this behavior 
is to be determined.

Chart explanation:
x-axis: number of runs of the benchmark executed in the same JVM instance.
y-axis: benchmark execution time in milliseconds.

no_tiered (standard compilation) and tiered (TieredCompilation enabled) 
are executed in
seperate JVM instances.

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