RFR (XS): 8028159: C2: compiler stack overflow during inlining of @ForceInline methods

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Wed Nov 13 11:36:09 PST 2013

Sorry, I forgot about that. Then your code is fine.


On 11/12/13 10:17 PM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
> Are you sure? Last time we decided to make it develop (corresponding
> letter attached).
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov
> On 11/13/13 10:09 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>> Make the flag product as other inline limitation flags.
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir K
>> On 11/13/13 6:22 AM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vlivanov/8028159/webrev.00/
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8028159
>>> 12 lines changed: 7 ins; 3 del; 2 mod
>>> There's a corner case when C2 inliner fails to delay inlining of
>>> @ForceInline method (e.g. nested
>>> MethodHandle::asType(MethodType) calls produce such pattern):
>>>     @ForceInline m1 -> MH::invokeBasic -> @FI m2 -> MH::invokeBasic ->
>>> @FI m3 -> ...
>>> Having method handle chain deep enough, it's possible to overflow
>>> compiler thread stack and crash VM.
>>> The fix is to limit maximum inlining depth for @ForceInline method. By
>>> default, MaxForceInlineLimit (==100) is much
>>> larger than MaxInlineLevel(=9) for ordinary methods.
>>> Having it set to 100:
>>>    - no crash observed
>>>    - no inline bailouts due to MaxForceInlineLevel reached on octane
>>> benchmarks
>>> John wrote the following:
>>> "In stress tests, method handles can be arbitrarily deep. In typical
>>> use cases they are not; they are adapted a fixed
>>> number of times before being installed in a call site. It may be that
>>> some of these extreme cases can be solved by
>>> simply bailing out of the compile and continuing to interpret.
>>> A quick solution would be to have ForceInline fail after a larger
>>> stack depth than normal.
>>> Since part of the problem is the ForceInline directive, we need to ask
>>> whether they are all necessary. If we are
>>> adjusting heuristics by ForceInline, some of them can be removed, if
>>> we can detect the pattern from inside C2."
>>> Testing: failing test case, octane.
>>> PS: I tried another approach and experimented with late inlining
>>> (delay residual call chain inlining). Though I
>>> succeeded to delay inlining of MH::invokeBasic, I hit the same problem
>>> there. Unless re-delay is supported during late
>>> inlining, it's as easy to overflow compiler stack as when inlining
>>> during parsing phase. Changing late inlining logic is
>>> too much, IMO, for JDK8 at this phase.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Vladimir Ivanov

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