RFR(XS): 8024008: Nashorn V8 (Crypto) benchmark crashes with small CodeCache size

Albert Noll albert.noll at oracle.com
Thu Oct 17 13:09:19 PDT 2013


here is an updated webrev: let me explain the changes here:
I strongly assume that these changes will solve 


*     if (!should_compile_new_jobs()) {*
*       CompilationPolicy::policy()->delay_compilation(method());*
*       return NULL;*
*     }*

I think these lines are wrong and we must create the wrapper.

*  AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_native_wrapper(method, compile_id);*

We need to create the wrapper to be able to call a native method from 
compiled code.
Furthermore, the wrapper is not allocated form the code cache. It is 
allocated from
a pre-allocated piece of memory.


*         // CodeCache is full, disable compilation*
*         // Ought to log this but compile log is only per compile thread*
*         // and we're some non descript Java thread.*
*         MutexUnlocker mu(AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);*
*!        CompileBroker::handle_full_code_cache();*
*-        return NULL;  // Out of CodeCache space*

This code is useless, since *AdapterBlob::create(&buffer) *allocates from
a pre-allocated chunk of memory and not from the 'normal code cache'. In
addition, this code caused some errors, since handle_full_code_cache() calls
the sweeper. The calling thread needs to be in the correct state and is 
not allowed to
own certain locks. This can cause problems.

Same here:

*    } else {*
*       // CodeCache is full, disable compilation*
*       CompileBroker::handle_full_code_cache();*

In addition, I introduced a new product flag, AdapterHandlerLibrarySize .
The reason is that when running nashorn with very small code cache size 
(e.g., <5m),
the error message that there is not enoug memory the hold adapters is 
quite frequently.
Also, I think that having that value hidden in sharedRuntime.cpp is not 
the best way. I doubled
the default size to 32K. This is sufficient to execute nashorn with a 
code cache size of 3500k.

On 07.10.2013 20:15, Albert Noll wrote:
> Hi Valdimir,
> thanks for you feedback. If the generation of the 
> AdapterHandlerLibrary wrapper is optional, the following changes in 
> compileBroker.cpp should work:
>   // If the compiler is shut off due to code cache getting full
>   // fail out now so blocking compiles dont hang the java thread
>  // if ( !should_compile_new_jobs()) {
>  //   CompilationPolicy::policy()->delay_compilation(method());
>   //  return NULL;
>  // }
>   // do the compilation
>   if (method->is_native()) {
>     if (!PreferInterpreterNativeStubs || 
> method->is_method_handle_intrinsic()) {
>       // Acquire our lock.
>     //  int compile_id;
>     //  {
>     //    MutexLocker locker(MethodCompileQueue_lock, THREAD);
>     //    compile_id = assign_compile_id(method, standard_entry_bci);
>      // }
>      // (void) AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_native_wrapper(method, 
> compile_id);
>     } else {
>       return NULL;
>     }
>   } else {
>     compile_method_base(method, osr_bci, comp_level, hot_method, 
> hot_count, comment, THREAD);
>   }
> However, with the changes above, I get the "i2c adapter must return to 
> an interpreter frame" even
> if the code cache is not full and compilation remains enabled. 
> Something seems really broken here.
> Irrespective of the current bug, it seems that checking whether we 
> should compile new methods
> in line 1304 in compileBroker.cpp does not make much sense, since this 
> bit can change asynchronously
> any time. It made more sense before 8020151, but now I think it is 
> time to remove it.
> Best,
> Albert
> On 03.10.2013 21:27, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>> Albert,
>> I don't see connection between not generating wrapper (which is fine, 
>> it is only needed for hot calls to native method) and wrong return 
>> address when calling i2c adapter (failed message). Can you find what 
>> return address is?
>> It could be a different problem (or not) from what this bug about. 
>> Several things can go bad when codecache is full. Also attached to 
>> bug report hs_err files shows different crushes.
>> Was you able to reproduce it with fastdebug VM? Switch off 
>> -XX:-CheckCompressedOops to get the same code generation as with 
>> product 64-bit VM. And switch off -XX:-VerifyDependencies to speed 
>> testing (10x, this test is very expensive).
>> Also can you try to run with latest VM version which has fixes to 
>> produce more info for call stack in hs_err. To have only next lines 
>> is not useful:
>> C  0x0000000648baace0
>> [error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 0xb]
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>> On 10/3/13 11:17 AM, Albert Noll wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think I found the reason for the crash. Please forget the previous
>>> suggestions.
>>> See the following webrev:
>>> Problem:
>>>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~anoll/8024008/webrev.02/
>>>    If the code cache gets full, this code in compileBroker.cpp is not
>>> executed.
>>>    1318       (void)
>>> AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_native_wrapper(method, compile_id);
>>>    As a result, we get the following error "i2c adapter must return to
>>> an interpreter frame"
>>>    if the JVM is called with "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
>>> -XX:+VerifyAdapterCalls"
>>>    I do not yet fully understand why that's the case, so please if you
>>> know let me know.
>>> Solution:
>>>    Move the code cache is full-check  after line 1318.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Albert
>>> Am 11.09.2013 01:07, schrieb Vladimir Kozlov:
>>>> Albert,
>>>> I would suggest to run as many tests as possible to verify correctness
>>>> of changes because this code is very important.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Vladimir
>>>> On 9/10/13 5:52 AM, Albert Noll wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> the current version causes a serious performance regression.
>>>>> I have to figure out what's wrong.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Albert
>>>>> On 10.09.2013 09:03, Albert Noll wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Vladimir,
>>>>>> thanks for looking at this. I checked all call sites of
>>>>>> 'make_not_entrant()' and 'make_zombie()'. I do not see any problems.
>>>>>> The worst thing that can happen is that an nmethod for which the 
>>>>>> call
>>>>>> returns fals gets removed later than expected.
>>>>>> I updated the comment and did some minor code refactoring.
>>>>>> Also I think that it is worth considering to backport this change,
>>>>>> since the bug can appear any time
>>>>>> the code cache fills up. If that bug appears, it is extremely 
>>>>>> hard to
>>>>>> reproduce and debug.
>>>>>> Here is the updated webrev.
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~anoll/8024008/webrev.01/
>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eanoll/8024008/webrev.01/>
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Albert
>>>>>> On 09.09.2013 19:47, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>>>> Several places in sources do not check returned result of
>>>>>>> make_not_entrant_or_zombie(). And they may assume that method 
>>>>>>> marked
>>>>>>> as non-entrant, for example, because before we returned 'false' 
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>> when an other thread already changed the state to one we need.
>>>>>>> Can you check all call sites to make sure they work correctly with
>>>>>>> this change?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>>>> On 9/9/13 6:59 AM, Albert Noll wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> thanks for reviewing this patch.
>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8024008
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~anoll/8024008/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eanoll/8024008/webrev.00/>
>>>>>>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>> Albert
>>>>>>>> Problem:
>>>>>>>> The state of nmethods that are currently locked by the VM must not
>>>>>>>> change.
>>>>>>>> Some operations such as setting ICs (e.g.,
>>>>>>>> SharedRuntime::resolve_sub_helper())
>>>>>>>> rely on this fact. 'nmethod::make_not_entrant_or_zombie does not
>>>>>>>> make this
>>>>>>>> check.
>>>>>>>> Solution:
>>>>>>>> Do method state unchanged of nmethod is locked by the VM.
>>>>>>>> Testing: Run Octane benchmarks on top of Nashorn with small code
>>>>>>>> cache size (16m).

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