Binary searching jdk repo to find a problematic commit?

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at
Fri Sep 6 16:02:30 PDT 2013


7u3 uses Hotspot version hs22.1 (it is security release and has only bug 

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_03-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 22.1-b02, mixed mode)

It was based on hs22 in jdk7u2:

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_02-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)

7u4 start using Hotspot version hs23:

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_04-ea-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 23.0-b03, mixed mode)

If you think it is JVM problem you need to search VM changes ( 
which you can build separately and replace in one JDK (at exclude 
effects from jdk changes).

Hotspot has separate repository where we do all development which is 
periodically forked for jdk releases:

Forked repository for hs23 is here:

I think you should use it for your search.

You need to do 'hg clone' first for revision you need:

hg clone -r hs22-b06

To build product VM:

cd hotspot/make
gnumake product LP64=1 MAKE_VERBOSE=

or to build fastdebug 32-bit:
gnumake fastdebug

cp ../build/linux/linux_amd64_compiler2/fastdebug/ 

To pull next set of patches do:

cd hotspot
hg pull -r hs23-b01

Build and test again.


On 9/6/13 2:29 PM, Dawid Weiss wrote:
> I'm more familiar with git than with mercurial, so this may be something
> obvious. I want to dissect commits made to hotspot between the official
> jdk7u3 and jdk7u4 and I've hit a couple of questions.
> 1) Interestingly the "top level" project doesn't have the tag my
> "official" jdk7u3 presents itself with:
> 1.7.0_03-b05
> the tags present in are up to
> jdk7u3-b04. Which version was it built from? Is the tag missing?
> 2) When I look for build tags in between jdk7u3-b04:jdk7u4-b22 I see
> things like:
> $ hg log -r jdk7u3-b04:jdk7u4-b22 | grep "tag:"
> tag:         jdk7u3-b04
> tag:         jdk7u4-b13
> tag:         jdk7u4-b14
> tag:         jdk7u6-b01
> tag:         jdk7u6-b02
> ...
> This is slightly confusing to me but I guess it makes sense if parallel
> branches coexist in the same repo and are merged/ tagged at the same
> time. Anyway, would this series of tags really reflect something useful
> for a rough binary-searching scheme over incremental (semi-stable) builds?
> 3) I'm used to git's submodules which hold versioned references to
> sub-projects. I assume the forrest extension doesn't do it and every
> subproject is tagged at the time of the release, am I correct? What
> confused me was that the instructions to update sources
> in README-builds.html always pull subprojects to their tip. I assume to
> get the same set of sources I need to run something like:
> ./make/scripts/ pull <tag>
> (or an equivalent, depending on the JDK version)?
> Thanks for clarifying,
> Dawid

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