[9] RFR(S): 8034216: assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Tue Apr 8 02:04:36 UTC 2014

Hi Albert,

Can you push the cleanup first under a different bug?
We may need to continue discussion how to fix the problem but I think 
cleanup can be pushed now. Please, send a separate webrev for it under 
new bug id.

About the problem.

It looks like 6916062 all over again :(  See attached mail thread when I 
did investigation:

[217]   CheckCastPP  . .  # java/util/ArrayList:NotNull*
[229]   CheckCastPP  . .  # 
[292]   Phi . [217] [229] # java/lang/Object:NotNull*
[11637] CastPP . [292]    # _type = java/util/Collection*  but 
igvn.type(cast) = java/util/Collection:NotNull*
[11638] AddP . [11637][11637] + 8 # igvn.type(addp) 
java/util/Collection:NotNull+8 *
[11639] LoadNKlass . . [11638]

and we hit the assert in the 6916062 fix code:


Types are converged during CCP phase when all CastPP nodes are still 
present. Unfortunately, after CastPP nodes are removed, types could 
degradate after your change:


In your case cached type for AddP (NotNull) will be replaced by input's 
type because this is what AddPNode::Value() returns.

I afraid this will affect types more than we want.

Note, the only information about NotNull is located in the cached type 
because corresponding CastPP was also removed.

Removing CastPP nodes first will replace cached type of AddP to even 
more general j.l.Object (from Phi node).

May be we should investigate if the next performance statement about 
jvm98 is still true and solve it differently (in PhiNode::Ideal() for 

// I tried to leave the CastPP's in.  This makes the graph more accurate in
// some sense; we get to keep around the knowledge that an oop is not-null
// after some test.  Alas, the CastPP's interfere with GVN (some values are
// the regular oop, some are the CastPP of the oop, all merge at Phi's which
// cannot collapse, etc).  This cost us 10% on SpecJVM, even when I removed
// some of the more trivial cases in the optimizer.  Removing more useless
// Phi's started allowing Loads to illegally float above null checks.  I 
// up on this approach.  CNC 10/20/2000


On 4/4/14 8:09 AM, Albert wrote:
> Hi Vladimir,
> thanks for looking at this.  Please see comments inline:
> On 04/04/2014 04:03 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>> On 4/3/14 4:14 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>> Hi Albert,
>>> Thank you for doing this investigation. I hope it was good C2
>>> learning exercise :)
> Yes, I learned a lot. Many thanks to you and Roland for teaching me.
>>> I prefer the second solution, webrev.01. I don't like that we are
>>> loosing more concrete type with first solution.
>> Actually it would be more correct and complete to have a solution
>> which does not put a load node on worklist again when there is no
>> progress with type. Even with webrev.01 we loose NotNull information.
> I have one general question here: Are types expected to converge at this
> point if everything would work as expected?
> Why do we loose NotNull information if types converge to
> java/util/Spliterator:NotNull+8 * ?
> I think that your suggestion, not pushing a node on the worklist if we
> don't make progress, will result in the type:
> java/util/Spliterator for the LoadKlass node -  so the NotNull
> information would be lost in that case. If you think that
> this is the solution we should go for I'll look more into it.
> Here is a new webrev of the cleanup. I included all your suggestion. I
> deleted the two lines
> 1123     // Move users of node to worklist
> 1124     add_users_to_worklist( k );
> accidentally. Thanks for catching this.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~anoll/8034216/webrev.03/
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>>> It would be nice to detect such situations and bailout compilation in
>>> product VM and throw assert in debug VM.
>>> The clean up is nice, go for it. Note that you should put new methods
>>> under #ifndef PRODUCT instead of using
>>> PRODUCT_RETURN because they are called only in NOT_PRODUCT().
>>> Why you removed next code?:
>>> 1123     // Move users of node to worklist
>>> 1124     add_users_to_worklist( k );
>>> Next code should be under #ifdef ASSERT because TraceIterativeGVN is
>>> develop flag. So you don't need for NOT_PRODUCT()
>>> and DEBUG_ONLY() in the code:
>>> +     if (TraceIterativeGVN && Verbose) {
>>> +       tty->print("  Pop ");
>>> +       NOT_PRODUCT(n->dump();)
>>> +       DEBUG_ONLY(if( (num_processed++ % 100) == 0 )
>>> _worklist.print_set();)
>>> +     }
>>> For next I also think is better to use #ifdef ASSERT:
>>> +       DEBUG_ONLY(n->dump(4);)
>>> +       DEBUG_ONLY(_worklist.dump();)
>>> +       assert(false, "infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize");
>>> And #ifndef PRODUCT for next:
>>> +       NOT_PRODUCT(trace_PhaseIterGVN(n, nn, oldtype));
>>> +       NOT_PRODUCT(if (nn != n) verify_step((Node*) NULL);)  //
>>> ignore n, it might be subsumed
>>> On 4/3/14 5:40 AM, Albert wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> could I get reviews for this patch?
>>>> Bug:
>>>> ------
>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8034216
>>>> Problem:
>>>> ------------
>>>> The endless loop occurs, since there are 2 nodes of type LoadKlass in
>>>> the worklist that keep pushing themselves
>>>> onto the worklist. The current implementation can only handle 1 node
>>>> that keeps pushing itself on the worklist.
>>>> The endless loop occurs in the IGVN pass that comes after CCP phase.
>>>> This piece of code in memnode.cpp is responsible for the endless loop:
>>>> Node *MemNode::Ideal_common(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
>>>>    ...
>>>>    if (can_reshape && igvn != NULL &&
>>>>        (igvn->_worklist.member(address) ||
>>>>         igvn->_worklist.size() > 0 && (t_adr != adr_type())) ) {
>>>>      // The address's base and type may change when the address is
>>>> processed.
>>>>      // Delay this mem node transformation until the address is
>>>> processed.
>>>>      phase->is_IterGVN()->_worklist.push(this);
>>>>      return NodeSentinel; // caller will return NULL
>>>>    }
>>>>    ...
>>>> }
>>>> As seen above, we keep pushing the current node onto the worklist if
>>>> t_adr != adr_type().
>>>> Unfortunately the types do not converge. See the following node dump:
>>>>     5559 272 b 4 java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter::exec (6 bytes)
>>>>   2054 CheckCastPP === 4086 2023 [[ 2098 2064 2064 ]]
>>>> #java/util/Spliterators$DoubleArraySpliterator:NotNull:exact *
>>>> Oop:java/util/Spliterators$DoubleArraySpliterator:NotNull:exact *
>>>> !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::compute @ bci:6 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2044 CheckCastPP === 4090 2023 [[ 2098 2077 2077 ]]
>>>> #java/util/ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator:NotNull:exact *
>>>> Oop:java/util/ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator:NotNull:exact * !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::compute @ bci:6 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2095 Region === 2095 2085 2072 [[ 2095 2120 2096 2097 2098 2099 ]]
>>>> !jvms: AbstractTask::compute @ bci:6 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2169 CmpL === _ 2099 2164 [[ 2170 ]] !jvms: AbstractTask::compute @
>>>> bci:29 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2121 IfTrue === 2120 [[ 2125 ]] #1 !jvms: AbstractTask::getTargetSize
>>>> @ bci:8 AbstractTask::compute @ bci:14 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2122 IfFalse === 2120 [[ 2125 2162 ]] #0 !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::getTargetSize @ bci:8 AbstractTask::compute @ bci:14
>>>> CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2098 Phi === 2095 2044 2054 [[ 2229 ]] #java/lang/Object:NotNull *
>>>> Oop:java/lang/Object:NotNull * !orig=2181 !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::compute @
>>>> bci:6 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2170 Bool === _ 2169 [[ 2171 ]] [le] !jvms: AbstractTask::compute @
>>>> bci:29 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2125 Region === 2125 2122 2121 [[ 2125 2171 2163 2164 ]] !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::getTargetSize @ bci:24 AbstractTask::compute @ bci:14
>>>> CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   22 ConL === 0 [[ 24 2037 81 2230 288 ]] #long:8
>>>>   2229 CastPP === 2173 2098 [[ 2240 2240 2230 2230 2237 ]]
>>>> #java/util/Spliterator * Interface:java/util/Spliterator * !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::compute @ bci:33 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   3 Start === 3 0 [[ 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 ]] #{0:control, 1:abIO, 2:memory,
>>>> 3:rawptr:BotPTR, 4:return_address,
>>>> 5:java/util/concurrent/CountedCompleter:NotNull *}
>>>>   2171 If === 2125 2170 [[ 2172 2173 ]] P=0.500000, C=-1.000000 !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::compute @ bci:29 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2230 AddP === _ 2229 2229 22 [[ 2231 ]]
>>>> Interface:java/util/Spliterator+8 * !jvms: AbstractTask::compute @
>>>> bci:33 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   7 Parm === 3 [[ 103 289 110 123 25 82 2231 2077 47 2064 2057 2038 65
>>>> 2031 75 2023 ]] Memory Memory: @BotPTR *+bot, idx=Bot; !jvms:
>>>> CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2173 IfFalse === 2171 [[ 4079 2231 2229 ]] #0 !orig=[2195] !jvms:
>>>> AbstractTask::compute @ bci:29 CountedCompleter::exec @ bci:-1
>>>>   2231 LoadKlass === 2173 7 2230 [[ 2232 ]] @java/lang/Object+8 *,
>>>> idx=4; #klass java/util/Spliterator: 0x0000000002252c98 *
>>>> Interface:klass java/util/Spliterator: 0x0000000002252c98 * !jvms
>>>> t_adr: is the cached type of the Address input (2230 AddP):
>>>> java/util/Spliterator:NotNull
>>>> adr_type(): is the bottom type of the address input (2230 AddP):
>>>> java/util/Spliterator
>>>> The bottom_type of the AddP node is determined by the bottom type of
>>>> it's address input node ( 2229 CastPP).
>>>> The bottom type of the CastPP node is set in the CCP phase:
>>>> Node *PhaseCCP::transform_once( Node *n ) {
>>>>    ...
>>>>    Node *nn = n->Ideal_DU_postCCP(this);
>>>>    ...
>>>> }
>>>> In the concrete execution, the CCP phase sets the bottom type of the
>>>> castPP node equal to the type of its input (in(1)).
>>>> in(1) of the castPP node is a phi-node. Since the two types are equal,
>>>> the castPP node is redundant and could be removed
>>>> in the subsequent IGVN phase. However, the castPP node is not removed,
>>>> since another node in the worklist (a redundant
>>>> region node) is processed prior to the castPP node. Removing the
>>>> redundant region node results in a change of in(1) of the
>>>> castPP node. As a result, the type of in(1) of the castPP node changes
>>>> as well and the castPP node is not removed. Not
>>>> removing the castPP node makes the types not converge as expected.
>>>> Solution:
>>>> -----------
>>>> Add a pass after CCP that removes the redundant castPP node. As a
>>>> result, the types converge to
>>>> java/lang/Object:NotNull+8 * and the endless loop does not occur.
>>>> Here is the webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~anoll/8034216/webrev.00/
>>>> Alternative solution:
>>>> --------------------------
>>>> Instead of adding the extra pass over the IR, we could raise the bottom
>>>> type of a type node
>>>> in IGVN. As a result, the types converge to
>>>> java/util/Spliterator:NotNull+8 * and the endless loop
>>>> does not occur.
>>>> Here is the webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~anoll/8034216/webrev.01/
>>>> Cleanup:
>>>> ------------
>>>> In addition, I have worked on refactoring/cleaning up the affected
>>>> code.
>>>> This code cleanup comes
>>>> in a separate webrev to make it easier to figure out the actual changes
>>>> that fix the bug. The code
>>>> cleanup is optional.
>>>> Here is the webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~anoll/8034216/webrev.02/
>>>> Testing:
>>>> ----------
>>>> Both solutions successfully passed JPRT and CTW  (rt.jar).
>>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>>> Albert
-------------- next part --------------
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From: Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com>
Subject: Re: Help with 6916062: assert(_inserts <= _insert_limit
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