RFR (XL): Tests on Intel RTM instructions for locks

Filipp Zhinkin filipp.zhinkin at oracle.com
Wed Apr 9 21:08:49 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I'd like to add test on Intel's RTM support.
There is to much code to review at once, so I've split it into 4 parts.
This review contains first three parts:
- changes in common testlibrary classes ( 8039497)
- new testlibrary classes used by tests ( 8039499)
- tests on different RTM options and their combinations (8037860)

The fourth part which was not included into this review request is
sanity tests on command line options processing.

Detailed description of changes:
- changes in common testlibrary classes (8039497):
   a) c.o.j.t.Platform was updated to provide information abort more
       different types of VM.
   b) c.o.j.t.Utils was updated to provide access to Unsafe

- new testlibrary classes used by tests (8039499):
   a) All classes used by new tests on RTM were added to
       com.oracle.java.testlibrary.rtm package.
       Such classes include different RTM's abort provokers,
       RTMLockingStatistics parsers and other utility classes.

   b) c.o.j.t.cli.* classes were updated to reduce complexity of tests.

- tests on different RTM options and their combinations (8037860):
   Tests on all new RTM-related command line options and
   new method's options were developed. Tests verify correctness
   of RTM locking depending on different options values and their

Should all these changes pushed at once or one by one?

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