RFR(S): 8026694: New type profiling points break compilation replay

Roland Westrelin roland.westrelin at oracle.com
Tue Apr 15 18:21:17 UTC 2014

>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~roland/8026694/webrev.00/
>>>>> If we want to still be able to read replay files generated before this change, the assert:
>>>>> src/share/vm/ci/ciReplay.cpp
>>>>> 1120       assert(m->_data_size + m->_extra_data_size == rec->_data_length * (int)sizeof(rec->_data[0]), "must agree”);
>>>>> needs to removed or changed (extra data from the MDO is not currently dumped).
>>> Are you asking what to do with the assert? Can you detect if replay file has extra data?
>> I can change the assert to:
>>       assert(m->_data_size + m->_extra_data_size == rec->_data_length * (int)sizeof(rec->_data[0]) ||
>>              m->_data_size == rec->_data_length * (int)sizeof(rec->_data[0]), "must agree”);
>> and then it covers both cases. There’s no real need to detect whether the replay file has extra data.
> Agree.

Thanks Vladimir. Can I consider this reviewed?


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