RFR(L): 8035936: SIGBUS in StubRoutines::aesencryptBlock, solaris-sparc

Shrinivas Joshi shrinivas.joshi at oracle.com
Mon Apr 28 23:15:14 UTC 2014

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for reviewing these changes. I will look at all such cases in AES 
stubs where short branches can be used.


On 4/28/2014 3:25 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> Hi Joshi,
> In several places I see unconditional branch with nop in delay slots:
> +     __ br(Assembler::always, true, Assembler::pt, L_load_expanded_key);
> +     __ delayed()->nop();
> Why you did not use cbcond (when distance is small) since AES will be 
> used only on T4 and newer cpus?:
>   __ ba_short(L_load_expanded_key);
> There are other short branches variants.
> In general changes are good.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
> On 4/25/14 5:45 PM, Shrinivas Joshi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Requesting reviews for the following change. Thanks for your time.
>> -Shrinivas
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8035936
>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kvn/8035936/webrev/
>> Summary: The intrinsified AES encryption and decryption JDK API methods
>> take byte arrays and offsets into these arrays as input arguments. Thus
>> the stub routines can potentially read from and write to arbitrarily
>> aligned addresses. SPARC load/store instructions generate
>> 'mem_address_not_aligned' exception when they operate on improperly
>> aligned addresses. This change addresses the arbitrary alignment issue
>> in case of SPARC AES crypto stub routines.
>> Summary of source code changes:
>> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp:
>>     - Added support for ALIGNADDR(Align Address), FALIGNDATA(Align Data
>> using GSR.align), EDGE8N(Edge Handling Instructions), FSRC2(F Register
>> Logical Operate) and STPARTIALF(Store Partial Floating-Point) 
>> instructions
>> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/stubGenerator_sparc.cpp:
>>     - Added assertion checks to test if first element of 'int' and
>> 'byte' arrays are at 8-byte aligned address. HotSpot's current object
>> layout guarantees this.
>>     - Changed single-block encrypt and decrypt stub routine names to
>> match with what is used on x86.
>>     - Added code to address mis-aligned loads and stores. Added some
>> details on the methodology used to address mis-aligned load/store
>> instructions (in form of comments).
>>     - Since we are now explicitly testing 8-byte alignment, we are now
>> using 8-byte FP load/store instructions instead of the 2*4-bytes and a
>> FMOV instruction as was done previously.
>>     - Single-block decrypt routine now uses a lower latency FSRC2d
>> instruction instead of the more expensive FMOVd instruction.
>>     - Multi-block (CBC) encrypt routine now does a save-restore to ease
>> register pressure due to mis-alignment related code.
>>     - CBC encrypt routine uses G5 instead of G2 register.
>>     - During mis-aligned stores in CBC encrypt, we also have to save and
>> reload cipher text (in F60:F62) so that it is saved in the correct byte
>> order in the initialization vector which is then fed back into
>> encryption of the next block. This is done by MOVdTOx and MOVxTOd
>> instructions.
>> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/stubRoutines_sparc.hpp:
>>     - Increased code buffer blob size for stub routines as the current
>> size of 20000 is not sufficient after addition of mis-alignment related
>> code.
>> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp:
>>     - Updated comments to reflect that AES instructions are available
>> starting SPARC T4, previously it was incorrectly stated as T2.
>>     - Updated AES intrinsics flag value sanity checks to include VIS3
>> instruction capability instead of only VIS1 since VIS3
>> instructions(MOVdTOx, MOVxTod) are also used by AES stubs.
>> * src/share/vm/classfile/vmSymbols.hpp and src/share/vm/opto/runtime.cpp
>>     - typo fixes
>> * test/compiler/7184394/TestAESBase.java
>>     - Added code to exercise mis-aligned loads and stores.
>>     - Made padding string a property that can be passed on command-line
>> since certain alignment issues are not triggered with padding enabled.
>>     - If any of the alignment cases (encryption input, encryption
>> output/decryption input and decryption output) are being tested then the
>> test case now does multi-part crypto operations with an update()
>> followed by doFinal(). We need to do this because certain alignment
>> issues are not triggered when only doFinal() calls are used. If
>> mis-alignment is not being tested then the test case excercises
>> single-part operations as was the case previously.
>>     - In case of multi-part operations, the last chunk of input passed
>> to encryption/decryption routines is set to 2*blocks long. This is again
>> because mis-aligned stores during decryption are not triggered if input
>> is less than 2*blocks long.
>> * test/compiler/7184394/TestAESDecode.java and
>> test/compiler/7184394/TestAESEncode.java:
>>     - Exercises mulit-part mis-aligned operations when mis-alignment is
>> being tested
>> * test/compiler/7184394/TestAESMain.java:
>>     - Added new @run commands to include various mis-aligned cases.
>>     - warm-up iterations count is now configurable.

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