RFR(L): 8035936: SIGBUS in StubRoutines::aesencryptBlock, solaris-sparc

Igor Veresov igor.veresov at oracle.com
Tue Apr 29 00:11:05 UTC 2014

I think it looks ok. Nothing jumped at me as wrong. It would've been nice to factor it a little bit - these are huge pieces of assembly. But I’m ok with it either way.


On Apr 25, 2014, at 5:45 PM, Shrinivas Joshi <shrinivas.joshi at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Requesting reviews for the following change. Thanks for your time.
> -Shrinivas
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8035936
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kvn/8035936/webrev/
> Summary: The intrinsified AES encryption and decryption JDK API methods take byte arrays and offsets into these arrays as input arguments. Thus the stub routines can potentially read from and write to arbitrarily aligned addresses. SPARC load/store instructions generate 'mem_address_not_aligned' exception when they operate on improperly aligned addresses. This change addresses the arbitrary alignment issue in case of SPARC AES crypto stub routines.
> Summary of source code changes:
> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/assembler_sparc.hpp:
>   - Added support for ALIGNADDR(Align Address), FALIGNDATA(Align Data using GSR.align), EDGE8N(Edge Handling Instructions), FSRC2(F Register Logical Operate) and STPARTIALF(Store Partial Floating-Point) instructions
> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/stubGenerator_sparc.cpp:
>   - Added assertion checks to test if first element of 'int' and 'byte' arrays are at 8-byte aligned address. HotSpot's current object layout guarantees this.
>   - Changed single-block encrypt and decrypt stub routine names to match with what is used on x86.
>   - Added code to address mis-aligned loads and stores. Added some details on the methodology used to address mis-aligned load/store instructions (in form of comments).
>   - Since we are now explicitly testing 8-byte alignment, we are now using 8-byte FP load/store instructions instead of the 2*4-bytes and a FMOV instruction as was done previously.
>   - Single-block decrypt routine now uses a lower latency FSRC2d instruction instead of the more expensive FMOVd instruction.
>   - Multi-block (CBC) encrypt routine now does a save-restore to ease register pressure due to mis-alignment related code.
>   - CBC encrypt routine uses G5 instead of G2 register.
>   - During mis-aligned stores in CBC encrypt, we also have to save and reload cipher text (in F60:F62) so that it is saved in the correct byte order in the initialization vector which is then fed back into encryption of the next block. This is done by MOVdTOx and MOVxTOd instructions.
> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/stubRoutines_sparc.hpp:
>   - Increased code buffer blob size for stub routines as the current size of 20000 is not sufficient after addition of mis-alignment related code.
> * src/cpu/sparc/vm/vm_version_sparc.cpp:
>   - Updated comments to reflect that AES instructions are available starting SPARC T4, previously it was incorrectly stated as T2.
>   - Updated AES intrinsics flag value sanity checks to include VIS3 instruction capability instead of only VIS1 since VIS3 instructions(MOVdTOx, MOVxTod) are also used by AES stubs.
> * src/share/vm/classfile/vmSymbols.hpp and src/share/vm/opto/runtime.cpp
>   - typo fixes
> * test/compiler/7184394/TestAESBase.java
>   - Added code to exercise mis-aligned loads and stores.
>   - Made padding string a property that can be passed on command-line since certain alignment issues are not triggered with padding enabled.
>   - If any of the alignment cases (encryption input, encryption output/decryption input and decryption output) are being tested then the test case now does multi-part crypto operations with an update() followed by doFinal(). We need to do this because certain alignment issues are not triggered when only doFinal() calls are used. If mis-alignment is not being tested then the test case excercises single-part operations as was the case previously.
>   - In case of multi-part operations, the last chunk of input passed to encryption/decryption routines is set to 2*blocks long. This is again because mis-aligned stores during decryption are not triggered if input is less than 2*blocks long.
> * test/compiler/7184394/TestAESDecode.java and test/compiler/7184394/TestAESEncode.java:
>   - Exercises mulit-part mis-aligned operations when mis-alignment is being tested
> * test/compiler/7184394/TestAESMain.java:
>   - Added new @run commands to include various mis-aligned cases.
>   - warm-up iterations count is now configurable.

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