RFR(M): 8054892: Improve compiler's CLI tests error reporting

Evgeniya Stepanova evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com
Wed Dec 3 10:16:03 UTC 2014

Thank you for the review!

On 03.12.2014 2:28, Christian Thalinger wrote:
> Looks good.
>> On Dec 2, 2014, at 7:10 AM, Evgeniya Stepanova 
>> <evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com 
>> <mailto:evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Filipp,
>> Thanks for the review!
>> No problems, only changes in 
>> test/testlibrary/com/oracle/java/testlibrary/cli/CommandLineOptionTest.java 
>> were needed to do that.
>> new webrev
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8054892/webrev.02/
>> On 02.12.2014 18:20, Filipp Zhinkin wrote:
>>> Evgeniya,
>>> thank you for taking care of it!
>>> Sorry that I'm asking you about that only now,
>>> but could use the same order of arguments in
>>> verifyJVMStartup and verifySameJVMStartup?
>>>     public static void verifyJVMStartup(String expectedMessages[],
>>>             String unexpectedMessages[], ExitCode exitCode,
>>>             String exitErrorMessage, String wrongWarningMessage,
>>>             boolean addTestVMOptions, String... options)
>>>     public static void verifySameJVMStartup(String expectedMessages[],
>>>             String unexpectedMessages[], String exitErrorMessage,
>>>             String wrongWarningMessage, ExitCode exitCode, String... 
>>> options)
>>> Could you place exitCode after *Message in both methods?
>>> Otherwise the change looks good.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Filipp.
>>> On 12/02/2014 02:55 PM, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>> Thank you very much for the review
>>>> I've replaced message
>>>> +                    "JVMStartup should have exit value '%d'.%n%s",
>>>> with the
>>>> +                    "JVM process should have exit value '%d'.%n%s",
>>>> and
>>>> +                    "JVMStartup should be successful with option '%s'.",
>>>> with the
>>>> +                    "JVM should start with option '%s' without errors.",
>>>> new webrev is
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8054892/webrev.01/
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Evgeniya Stepanova
>>>> On 02.12.2014 2:49, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>>>>> I didn’t verify all new messages but this looks very useful.  The 
>>>>> only thing I could complain about is:
>>>>> +                    "JVMStartup should have exit value '%d'.%n%s",
>>>>> JVMStartup probably refers to some internal method.  A more 
>>>>> general message might be better.
>>>>> In any case, looks good to me.
>>>>>> On Nov 27, 2014, at 3:13 AM, Evgeniya Stepanova 
>>>>>> <evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Could you please review fix for 8054892?
>>>>>> Problem: CLI tests do not show what exactly went wrong when test 
>>>>>> failed. They show an error  behavior is not as expected.
>>>>>> Solution:  Added explanation which behavior is expected and why 
>>>>>> it is so.
>>>>>> Base class 
>>>>>> /testlibrary/com/oracle/java/testlibrary/cli/CommandLineOptionTest.java 
>>>>>> changed to use error string, submitted by tests classes.
>>>>>>  -exitErrorMessage message to be shown if exit code of JVM 
>>>>>> process is not  as expected.
>>>>>>  -wrongWarningMessage message to be shown if warning  messages in 
>>>>>> output are not as expected.
>>>>>> -optionErrorString to be shown if option value is not as expected.
>>>>>> Updated tests from test/compiler/rtm/cli/, test/compiler/rtm/cli/ 
>>>>>> and test/compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli folders.
>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8054892
>>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8054892/webrev.00/
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Evgeniya Stepanova
>>>> -- 
>>>> /Evgeniya Stepanova/
>> -- 
>> /Evgeniya Stepanova/

/Evgeniya Stepanova/
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