RFR (XS) : 8027124 : [TESTBUG] NonTieredLevelsTest: java.lang.RuntimeException: private TestCase$Helper(java.lang.Object) must be osr_compiled

Igor Ignatyev igor.ignatyev at oracle.com
Tue Jan 21 05:10:51 PST 2014

Vladimir, thank you for the review.

Can I get a second review for this?


On 12/08/2013 09:43 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> Good.
> Vladimir
> On 12/8/13 8:16 AM, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>> Vladimir,
>> Thanks for review, I've added CompilerWhiteBoxTest::skipXcompOSR(),
>> see updated webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iignatyev/8027124/webrev.01/
>> I reran compiler/tiered and compiler/whitebox tests in Xcomp and
>> Xmixed modes
>> On 12/03/2013 11:52 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>> On 12/2/13 11:35 PM, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>> Vladimir,
>>>>  > Why space needed "ed "?
>>>> just to make sure that it's the begin of 'compiled mode'
>>> Okay.
>>>>  > I don't think we should pollute output with messages which does not
>>>>  > help. Or this message is used to mark test passed?
>>>>  >
>>>> no, it doesn't mark test as passed, it's just a warning message. I
>>>> will wrap it  w/ 'if (IS_VERBOSE)' statement.
>>> Okay.
>>>> It's the same code which is used in 'compiler/whitebox' tests (fix for
>>>> JDK-8023452), so would you prefer me to change
>>>> they in a similar way?
>>> Yes, please. Can you move checks and warning message into a separate
>>> method and use it everywhere? Something like:
>>> if (CompilerWhiteBoxTest.skipTest(testCase)) {
>>>    return;
>>> }
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vladimir
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Igor
>>>> On 12/03/2013 01:30 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>>>> Don't split the line:
>>>>> +         if (testCase.isOsr && CompilerWhiteBoxTest.MODE.startsWith(
>>>>> +                 "compiled ")) {
>>>>> Why space needed "ed "?
>>>>> I don't think we should pollute output with messages which does not
>>>>> help. Or this message is used to mark test passed?
>>>>> Add comment.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Vladimir
>>>>> On 12/2/13 12:39 PM, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Please review patch.
>>>>>> Problem:
>>>>>> OSR test cases in 'compiler/tiered' tests are not applicable in
>>>>>> -Xcomp
>>>>>> mode, since there is no way to provoke OSR compilation
>>>>>> Fix:
>>>>>> Added skipping of OSR test cases, if -Xcomp is enabled
>>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iignatyev/8027124/webrev.00/
>>>>>> jbs: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8027124
>>>>>> testing: compiler/tiered in -Xcomp, -Xmixed, -Xint and default mode

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