RFR (M): 6848902: [TESTBUG] The compiler/6589834/Test_ia32.java timed out

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Fri Jul 11 18:33:44 UTC 2014

2 * availableProcessors() is still very big on Sparc machines (could be 
 > 100). Do we need more threads then available processors for bug 

Do not use one symbol f(), g() methods names. Use something like foo(), 
bar() or test1(), test2().


On 7/11/14 8:24 AM, Filipp Zhinkin wrote:
> Hi all,
> please review fix for 6848902.
> compiler/6589834/Test_ia32.java starts 100 threads with spin-loop inside
> and on some hosts with small amount of CPU coresit takes too much time.
> Also there is another issue - test intended to catch interpreter's stack
> corruption after deoptimization, but it can fail only on VM crash.
> I've checked how it works w/ JDK 6u17 (where 6589834 was not fixed) and
> found that issue may not cause VM crash. In suchsituation test just
> prints message "Bug!", but do not actually fail.
> I reduced amount of used threads to 2 * availableProcessors()
> and add more asserts on test results, so now it can catch original
> issue even if VM doesn't crash.
> Also, VerifyStackwas added to test's options as it was suggested in
> original test.
> After all, test still can reproduce original issue w/ 6u17.
> Testing: on local machine, automated on all platforms.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6848902
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~fzhinkin/6848902/webrev.00/
> Thanks,
> Filipp.

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