C1's usage of 32-bit registers whose part of 64-bit registers on amd64

Krystal Mok rednaxelafx at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 00:06:08 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I'd like to ask a couple of questions on C1's usage of 32-bit registers on
amd64, when they're a part of the corresponding 64-bit register (e.g. ESI
vs RSI).

1. Does C1 ensure the high 32 bits of a 64-bit register is cleared when
using it as a 32-bit register? If so, where does C1 enforce that?

I see that for array indexing, C1 generates code that uses 64-bit register
whose actual value is only stored in the low 32-bit part, e.g.

static int foo(int[] a, int i) {
  return a[i];

the actual load in C1 generated code would be (in AT&T syntax):

mov    0x10(%rsi,%rax,4),%eax

and there's an instruction prior to it that explicitly clears the high 32

movslq %edx,%rax

generated by LIRGenerator::emit_array_address().

So it's an invariant property enforced throughout C1, right?

2. There a piece of code in C1's linear scan register allocator that
removes useless moves:


    // remove useless moves
    if (op->code() == lir_move) {
      assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "move must be LIR_Op1");
      LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
      LIR_Opr src = move->in_opr();
      LIR_Opr dst = move->result_opr();
      if (dst == src ||
          !dst->is_pointer() && !src->is_pointer() &&
          src->is_same_register(dst)) {
        instructions->at_put(j, NULL);
        has_dead = true;

and I'd like to ask two questions about it:

2.1: On amd64, moving between a 32-bit register and themselves has the side
effect of clearing the high 32 bits of the corresponding 64-bit register.
So the code being removed isn't entirely side-effect free. It's only safe
to remove them if there's an invariant from question 1 holds.

2.2 This piece of code explicitly checks !LIR_Opr::is_pointer(). Why is
this check needed? Could anybody share the history behind it?
I thought LIR_Opr::is_same_register() checks LIR_Opr::is_register() which
is stricter than !is_pointer(), which seems to make the !is_pointer() check

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