RFR: 8062537: [TESTBUG] Conflicting GC combinations in hotspot tests

Bengt Rutisson bengt.rutisson at oracle.com
Fri Nov 14 11:47:58 UTC 2014

On 2014-11-14 11:02, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
> Hi Bengt,
> On 14.11.2014 13:16, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>> On 2014-11-13 14:57, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>>> On 13.11.2014 17:59, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>> On 2014-11-13 13:56, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>>>>> On 13.11.2014 17:42, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>>>> On 2014-11-13 13:49, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>>>>>>> On 13.11.2014 17:32, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Evgeniya,
>>>>>>>> On 2014-11-12 17:28, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Dmitry,
>>>>>>>>> You are right - I've forgotten about copyrights
>>>>>>>>> Copyrights and other issues you mentioned fixed. New webrev:
>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8062537/webrev.02/
>>>>>>>> For /test/gc/arguments/TestG1HeapRegionSize.java I think it 
>>>>>>>> would be good to add -XX:+UseG1GC to the @run tags and then 
>>>>>>>> use  @requires vm.gc=="G1" | vm.gc == null.
>>>>>>>> The change to test/gc/defnew/HeapChangeLogging.java is 
>>>>>>>> unrelated to the conflicting GC combinations. Should that 
>>>>>>>> really be part of this changeset?
>>>>>>>> The TestShrinkAuxiliaryDataXX tests are run in driver mode. Do 
>>>>>>>> we really need @requires for them?
>>>>>>> Yes, we do.
>>>>>>> These tests use TestShrinkAuxiliaryData class which implements 
>>>>>>> its own mechanism to analyze VM options an skip if not 
>>>>>>> applicable collector is given. @requires - allows to rely on jtreg.
>>>>>>> Driver mode is a kind of indicator, that the test will spawn its 
>>>>>>> own java process.
>>>>>> I thought the point of @driver was that no external vmoptions 
>>>>>> were passed to such a test. Is that not the case?
>>>>> In the driver mode VM is started without external VM flags. Those 
>>>>> flags are passed to the tests via system property.
>>>>> The driver mode is a sort of shell to start something else.
>>>> Right. So, why would you need @requires on the 
>>>> TestShrinkAuxiliaryDataXX tests because the utility 
>>>> TestShrinkAuxiliaryData picks up the vm flags through 
>>>> Utils.getTestJavaOpts(). What's the point in running this in a 
>>>> driver mode when they anyway pick up the vm flags?
>>> TestShrinkAuxiliaryData  implemented a workaround awaiting for 
>>> @requires to appear in jtreg.
>>> Frankly speaking, the driver mode doesn't bring a lot of value, it's 
>>> rather confusing and obligate developers to be more careful. If a 
>>> class just spawns another java process with a real test, it's a big 
>>> deal to run this class with or without external options. But there 
>>> is no guarantee, that people will not start run real tests in driver 
>>> mode...
>> Ok. So, do we want to keep "driver" for this test or not?
> I believe yes:
> TestShrinkAuxiliaryData  - is a real test
> TestShrinkAuxiliaryDataXX - are drivers that run 
> TestShrinkAuxiliaryData  with various options
> So, this is a good example of usage the 'driver' concept.

Ok. Sounds good.

>>>> I'm asking because adding @requires to these tests means that we 
>>>> will run them less often than we do now. So, I'm a bit worried that 
>>>> we reduce the amount of testing we do.
>>> Don't worry about it.
>>> We want to run more tests, believe me.
>> Sure, but adding @requires means that we run the test less often. The 
>> TestShrinkAuxiliaryData tests were for example run every week in PIT 
>> testing but with the @requires tag they will only be run every 4th 
>> week since PIT testing is rotating which GC it runs tests with.
> We don't specify GC for PIT testing, so it will be executed every week.
> In promotion testing we specify two GC, so the test will be executed 
> every 2nd week.
> In nightly testing it will be executed every day.

Good. Thanks for clarifying. I obviously had PIT and promotion testing 
mixed up.

In that case I think you can consider this change reviewed from my side.

Thanks for putting up with all the questions!

> Thanks,
> Dima
>> Bengt
>>> -- Dima
>>>> Bengt
>>>>> -- Dima
>>>>>> Bengt
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Dima
>>>>>>>> Otherwise it look ok to me.
>>>>>>>> Bengt
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Evgeniya Stepanova
>>>>>>>>> On 12.11.2014 18:23, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Evgeniya,
>>>>>>>>>> The fix looks good to me.
>>>>>>>>>> I noticed the following minor things:
>>>>>>>>>> - copyrights need to include the year of last change
>>>>>>>>>> - test/gc/defnew/HeapChangeLogging.java - is listed among 
>>>>>>>>>> updated files, but doesn't contain any changes
>>>>>>>>>> - test/gc/g1/TestShrinkAuxiliaryData.java - contain unsed 
>>>>>>>>>> variable 'prohibitedVmOptions'
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Dima
>>>>>>>>>> On 12.11.2014 18:49, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>>>>>>>>> Since the decision was made to change only tests that fail 
>>>>>>>>>>> because of conflict for now (skip "selfish" tests), I post 
>>>>>>>>>>> new webrev for hotspot part of the JDK-8019361 
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8019361>:
>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/eistepan/8062537/webrev.01/
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniya Stepanova
>>>>>>>>>>> On 04.11.2014 15:32, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nice plan! Please feel free to send me any 
>>>>>>>>>>>> feedback/questions regarding @requires
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dima
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 04.11.2014 11:40, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dima,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the answers. I think the currently proposed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> patch is a good start. We will have to evolve the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @requires tag in the future, but let's have that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion separate from this review. And we can start 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that discussion later when we have more experience with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the current version of @requires.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for doing this!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bengt
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/3/14 10:12 PM, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Bengt,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's great that we have very closed visions!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The general comment: currently, jtreg doesn't support any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort of plugins, so you can't provide a VM specific 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> handler of the @requires or another tag. This is very 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> annoying limitation and we have to live with it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few more comments inline.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 03.11.2014 16:31, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dima,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Answers inline.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/31/14 1:56 PM, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Bengt,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback, we appreciate 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it very much!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See comments inline.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 31.10.2014 1:09, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Evgeniya,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/30/14 3:05 PM, Evgeniya Stepanova wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please review changes for 8062537, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OpenJDK/hotspot part of the JDK-8019361 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8019361>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8062537
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fix: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8062537/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Problem: Some tests explicitly set GC and fail when 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jtreg set another GC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Solution: Such tests marked with the jtreg tag 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "requires" to skip test if there is a conflict
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for fixing this! It is really great that we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finally start sorting this out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First a general comment. The @requires tag has been 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> developed without much cooperation with the GC team. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We did have a lot of feedback when it was first 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> presented a year ago, but it does not seem like this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feedback was incorporated into the @requires that was 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually built.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We tried to implement as much developer's wishes as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible. But not everything is possible, sorry for that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I'm sure you have done your best. It's just that we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have been requesting this feature for 3 years and I was 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expecting us to be able to influence the feature much 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more than was the case now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My personal hope: @requires will address ~90% of existing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think this change that gets proposed now is a big 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> step forward and I won't object to it. But I am pretty 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> convinced that we will soon run in to the limitations 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the current @requires implementation and we will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have to redo this work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some of the points I don't really like about the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @requires tag are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - the "vm.gc" abstraction is more limiting than 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> helping. It would have been better to just "require" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any command line flag.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "vm.gc" is an alias to a very popular flag. It's also 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible to use:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vm.opt.UseG1GC == true instead.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The table with all vars available in jtreg:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://jre.us.oracle.com/java/re/jtreg/4.1/promoted/latest/binaries/jtreg/doc/jtreg/tag-spec.html#requires_names
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem with having this matching built in to JTreg 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is that it makes it very hard to change. When we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussed this a year ago I think we said that JTreg 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should only provide a means to test against the command 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line and a hook for running some java code in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @requires tag. That way we could put logic like this in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a test library that is under our control. This would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it easy for us to change and also enables us to use 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different logic for different versions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would be glad to have own harness...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - the requirement should be per @run tag. Right now we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have to do what you did in this change and use 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vm.gc=null even when some tests could actually have 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been run when a GC was specified.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it would be great, but it will unlikely happen in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jtreg, as well as test case support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what do you mean with test case support? Hi Evgeniya,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Under test case support I mean ability to treat each @run 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a separate test. Now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @run -XX:g1RegSize=1m MyTest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @run -XX:g1RegSize=2m MyTest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @run -XX:g1RegSize=4m MyTest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class MyTest {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is always a single test. You can't exclude, or re-run a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> part of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - there are many tests that require more than just a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific GC. Often there are other flags that can't be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> changed either for the test to work properly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes. conflicting GC is just the most popular problem 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused by conflicting options.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we address this issue and we are satisfied with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution, we could move further.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I agree that taking one step at the time is good. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personally I would have preferred that the first step 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was a "just run the command line as specified in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @run tag" step.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe this is not the right place to discuss the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> current implementation of the @requires tag. I just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want to say that I'm not too happy about how the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @requires tag turned out. But assuming we have to use 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it the way it is now I guess the proposed changeset 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looks good.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes, this thread is about change made by Evgeniya, not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about jtreg :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And thanks for reviewing it!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Agreed. And as I said, I think the patch looks ok. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have not looked at all tests. But if they now pass with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the combinations that we test with I guess they should 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be ok.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excellent! Thanks a lot!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tested locally with different GC flags (-XX:+UseG1GC, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -XX:+UseParallelGC, -XX:+UseSerialGC, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweep and without any GC flag). Tests 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are being excluded as expected. No tests failed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because of the conflict.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you tested with -Xconcgc too? It's an alias for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '-Xconcgc' is not supported yet. (bug in jtreg, I will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> submit)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok. Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think some of the test, like 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test/gc/startup_warnings/TestDefNewCMS.java, will fail 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you run with -XX:+UseParNewGC. Others, like 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test/gc/startup_warnings/TestParNewCMS.java, will fail 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you run with -XX:-UseParNewGC. Could you test these 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two cases too?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These two tests ignore vm flags.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Add @requires here is not necessary, but it will allow 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not execute the tests when not needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, if we run HS tests with 4 GC, we don't need to run 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these tests 4 times, 1 should be enough.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do we really want to use the @requires functionality for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this purpose? It seems like a way of misusing @requires. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we just want the tests to be run once I think 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leonid's approach with tests lists seems more suitable.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, it's not a purpose of course, it's just side effect :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But are you sure that this is the reason for the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @requires in this case? TestDefNewCMS does sound like a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test that is DefNew specific. I don't see a reason to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run it with ParNew. If it doesn't fail today it should 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probably be changed so that it does fail if it is run 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the wrong GC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @requires - is not the silver bullet, but it's quite easy 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way to solve a lot of issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope, @requires will allow to reduce the number of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "selfish" tests, which produce a new java process to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ignore vm flags coming from outside. No @requires, no 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other mechanism could 100% protect a test from running 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with conflicting options, but this is not the goal.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If one runs tests with an exotic option, like a new G2 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collector, there shouldn't mass failures caused by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> options conflicts. But a few failures could be handled 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manually.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly it looks to me like there are tests that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will fail if you run them with -XX:-UseParallelOldGC 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or -XX:+UseParallelOldGC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just a heads up. These two tests will soon be removed. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm about to push a changeset that removes them:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test/gc/startup_warnings/TestCMSIncrementalMode.java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test/gc/startup_warnings/TestCMSNoIncrementalMode.java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> okay, thank for letting us know.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there some way of making sure that all tests are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> run at one time or another. With this change there is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a risk that some tests are never run and always 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skipped. Will we somehow be tracking what gets skipped 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and make sure that all tests are at least run once 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the correct GC so that it is not skipped all the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a very good question!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jtreg now doesn't report skipped tests, hopefully it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will do soon, after getting fix of:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/CODETOOLS-7900934
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And yes, tracking tests which are not run is important 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @requires - is not the only to exclude test from execution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Other examples:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   *@ignore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   *@test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   */
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*@bug 4445555
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   *@test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   */
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Such tests will never be run, because jtreg treats as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test only files with @test on the first place...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So,  making sure that tests do not disappear is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> important SQE task, we know about that, we're thinking 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on solution (may be very actively). But this subject 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for another discussion, not within RFR :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right. Glad to hear that you are actively working on this!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was going to say "not very actively", but never mind, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we know about this problem. With introducing @requires 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism it will become more important!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your comments!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Dima
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bengt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dima
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bengt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Evgeniya Stepanova
>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>> /Evgeniya Stepanova/
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> /Evgeniya Stepanova/

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