[9] RFR(S): 8007993: hotspot.log w/ enabled LogCompilation can be an invalid XML

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Mon Nov 24 13:56:31 UTC 2014

Looks good!

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 11/24/14, 5:20 PM, Tobias Hartmann wrote:
> Hi,
> please review the following patch.
> Bugs: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8007993
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~thartmann/8007993/webrev.00/
> Problem:
> The per-thread compilation logs ('/tmp/hs_c[TID]_pid[PID].log') are deleted and
> merged into one XML file at VM shutdown. The test fails because this compilation
> log contains invalid XML. The bug only occurs on Windows.
> The problem is that the temporary, per-thread compilation logs are not deleted
> on Windows because the file descriptor is not closed [1]. This seems to work on
> Linux because the removal is not immediately executed and the file is closed
> soon after the removal request. If a file for the current TID/PID combination
> already exists, the log is appended [2]. At VM shutdown the per-thread logs are
> read from the beginning until the number of written bytes is reached
> ('CompileLog::_file_end'). The remaining data is appended with a <![CDATA[ ...
> ]]> tag. If the file already exists, old data is read that may be shorter/longer
> than the number of bytes previously written. Copying partial XML data into the
> file breaks XML validity.
> For example, see the file '25996.log' [3]. The tag "<compilation_log
> thread='6108'>" for thread 6108 contains "'C1 CompilerThread10" (line 3901) and
> "C1 CompilerThread9" (line 3950) which is obviously wrong because a thread only
> runs one compiler. The first log for compiler thread 10 is old data. As a result
> not all log data for compiler thread 9 is read and the rest is appended within
> CDATA tags (line 19093 until 19158). Further, we have two entries for
> "CompilerThread10".
> Solution:
> The log files should be opened in 'write' instead of 'append' mode to ensure no
> old data is used. The log files should be closed prior to deletion. I moved the
> call to 'unlink' to 'CompileLog::~CompileLog()' to ensure this.
> Testing:
> - JPRT with failing testcase
> - Executed 10k runs of the fixed version on different Windows machines
> Thanks,
> Tobias
> [1] The file is closed by 'fileStream::~fileStream' but deletion is attempted
> before that in 'CompileLog::finish_log_on_error'.
> [2] See argument 'a'  to 'fopen' in 'CompileBroker::init_compiler_thread_log'
> [3] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/attachment/23746/25996.log

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