RFR(M): 8054892: Improve compiler's CLI tests error reporting

Evgeniya Stepanova evgeniya.stepanova at oracle.com
Thu Nov 27 11:13:30 UTC 2014


Could you please review fix for 8054892?
Problem: CLI tests do not show what exactly went wrong when test failed. 
They show an error  behavior is not as expected.
Solution:  Added explanation which behavior is expected and why it is so.

Base class 
changed to use error string, submitted by tests classes.
  -exitErrorMessage message to be shown if exit code of JVM process is 
not  as expected.
  -wrongWarningMessage message to be shown if warning  messages in 
output are not as expected.
-optionErrorString to be shown if option value is not as expected.
Updated tests from test/compiler/rtm/cli/, test/compiler/rtm/cli/ and 
test/compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli folders.

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8054892
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~eistepan/8054892/webrev.00/

Evgeniya Stepanova

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