RFR: 8131362: aarch64: C2 does not handle large stack offsets

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Fri Jul 17 15:21:04 UTC 2015

Looks good.

So it is real failure in testing. Thank you for letting know.


On 7/17/15 1:52 AM, Edward Nevill wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-07-16 at 11:49 -0700, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>> Hi Ed,
>> Should it be +8 instead of +4? Or these offsets are not in bytes?:
>> +      unspill(rscratch1, true, src_offset);
>> +      spill(rscratch1, true, dst_offset);
>> +      unspill(rscratch1, true, src_offset+4);
>> +      spill(rscratch1, true, dst_offset+4);
> Ouch! Good catch.
> New webrev.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~enevill/8131362/webrev.03/
>>   > Hotspot: passed: 876; failed: 3; error: 7
>>   > Langtools: Test results: passed: 3,246; error: 2
>> Can you add -ignore:quiet to jtreg commands so that tests which are
>> marked @ignore <bugid> are not treated as error:
> Yes. I am using the -ignore:quiet option. Here is the command I am using for the hotspot run.
> /home/ed/images/jdk-spill2/bin/java -jar lib/jtreg.jar -nr -conc:48 -timeout:3 -othervm -jdk:/home/ed/images/jdk-spill2 -v1 -a -ignore:quiet /home/ed/jdk9-dev/hs-comp/hotspot/test
> The hotspot failures and errors are
> FAILED: compiler/intrinsics/classcast/NullCheckDroppingsTest.java
> FAILED: compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli/TestUseSHA256IntrinsicsOptionOnSupportedCPU.java
> FAILED: serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/Test8028623.java
> Error:  native_sanity/JniVersion.java
> Error:  runtime/classFileParserBug/AnnotationTag.java
> Error:  runtime/handlerInTry/LoadHandlerInTry.java
> Error:  runtime/jni/8033445/DefaultMethods.java
> Error:  runtime/jni/8025979/UninitializedStrings.java
> Error:  runtime/jni/ToStringInInterfaceTest/ToStringTest.java
> Error:  runtime/stackMapCheck/StackMapCheck.java
> and the langtools errors
> Error:  tools/javac/annotations/typeAnnotations/classfile/T8010015.java
> Error:  tools/javac/lambda/LambdaParserTest.java
> In both cases the set of errors/failures is the same before and after the patch.
> So yes, it is not ideal that we are seeing these. The only ideal number for a regression suite is 0. However it is a separate issue and is on my list of things to look at.
> All the best,
> Ed.

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