User-defined deserialization [Was: On constant folding of final field loads]

Andrew Haley aph at
Thu Jul 23 10:02:19 UTC 2015

On 21/07/15 00:05, John Rose wrote:

> We have enough bits in the object header to encode frozen-ness.
> This is an opposite property: slushiness-of-finals.  We could
> require that the newInstance operation used by deserialization would
> create slushy objects.  (The normal new/<init> sequence doesn't need
> this.)  Ideally, we would want the deserializer to issue an explicit
> "publish" operation, which would clear the slushy flag.  JITs would
> consult that flag to gate final-folding.  Reflection (and other
> users of Unsafe) would consult the flag and throw a fail-fast error
> if it failed.  There would have to be some way to limit the time an
> object is in the slushy state, ideally by enforcing an error on
> deserializers who neglect to publish (or discard) a slushy object.
> For example, we could require an annotation on deserialization
> methods, as we do today on caller-sensitive methods.
> That's the sort of thing I would prefer to see, to remove
> indeterminate behavior.

Which reminds me: an issue has arisen regarding Unsafe and
user-defined deserialization.  Some middleware uses non-Java-standard
serialization protocols which require some sort of backdoor mechanism
for creating objects which have no zero-arg constructor.  Unafe is
used to do this, as is ReflectionFactory, but both are internal APIs.

I don't think there's anything inherently unreasonable about people
wanting to write their own serialization protocols, but having to call
internal APIs is fragile.  I suppose we would like to tell the runtime
that an object is no longer slushy, but there is no "official"
interface for serializers to create objects in the first place.


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