InlineCacheBuffer + GuaranteedSafepointInterval
Vitaly Davidovich
vitalyd at
Fri Jun 5 15:17:21 UTC 2015
Any words of wisdom? Thanks
sent from my phone
On Jun 3, 2015 12:02 PM, "Vitaly Davidovich" <vitalyd at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone please explain the idea behind GuaranteedSafepointInterval
> induced safepoints being gated on InlineCacheBuffer::is_empty() returning
> false? This code in safepoint.cpp:
> bool SafepointSynchronize::is_cleanup_needed() { <> // Need a safepoint if some inline cache buffers is non-empty <> if (!InlineCacheBuffer::is_empty()) return true; <> return false; <>}
> Looking at icBuffer.cpp:
> void InlineCacheBuffer::update_inline_caches() { <> if (buffer()->number_of_stubs() > 1) { <> if (TraceICBuffer) { <> tty->print_cr("[updating inline caches with %d stubs]", buffer()->number_of_stubs()); <> } <> buffer()->remove_all(); <> init_next_stub(); <> } <> release_pending_icholders(); <>} <>What exactly triggers IC holders to be eligible for deletion?
> The reason behind this question is I'd like to eliminate "unnecessary" safepoints that I'm seeing, but would like to understand implications of this with respect to compiler infrastructure (C2, specifically). I have a fairly large code cache reserved, and the # of compiled methods isn't too big, so space there shouldn't be an issue.
> Why is GuaranteedSafepointInterval based safepoint actually gated on this particular check? If I turn off background safepoints (i.e. GuaranteedSafepointInterval=0) or set them very far apart, am I risking stability problems, at least in terms of compiler?
> Thanks
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