RFR: 8086087: aarch64: add support for 64 bit vectors

Edward Nevill edward.nevill at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 18:53:12 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2015-06-24 at 09:57 -0700, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> Hi, Ed
> I am worried about 32 bit vectors. There could be conflict somewhere in RA since min_vector_size will not match minimum 
> vector register VecD size.
> Can you split these changes to have separate changesets? One is support VecD (64 bit) and an other 32bit vectors.
> If some testing will show problems we can check which changes caused it more precisely.

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the review. I am generally happy that putting 32 bit values in 64 bit registers is OK. I initially did the 64 bit registers by putting them in 128 bit registers.

That worked OK, but there were 2 problems.

First when a register was spilled I had to spill 128 bits since I did not know the size at the point of the spill.

The second problem was with scalar reduction when doing an add across the vector, rather than a parallel vector operation. In this case it would get the wrong result if the top 64 bits were non zero.

This is why I generated a separate 64 bit vectorisation.

With 32 bit, spilling 64 bits instead of 32 bits does not matter, and scalar reduction operations do not exist for 32 bit (the minimum is 2I).

I will do as you suggest, and split it into two webrevs.

> And this should be reviewed on compiler mailing list instead of runtime.

And should the changeset then be based on hs-comp and pushed to hs-comp?

All the best,

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