RFR(L): 8069539: RSA acceleration

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Wed May 13 08:34:12 UTC 2015

On 13/05/15 00:25, Viswanathan, Sandhya wrote:
> I was wondering if inline assembly can be used in the native code of JRE.  Does the JRE build framework support it?

For every target which supports it you could define a macro in one of
the os/cpu-dependent header files.  But it's slightly awkward because
it's compiler- as well as cpu-dependent.  As long as we assume GCC
it's pretty easy for all targets but I'm not sure what other compilers
we use.

However, I have to stress that this is just a demonstration: even
though it is already much better than what we have, I'm not imagining
that we really want to use JNI for this.  It would make more sense to
move it into HotSpot and call it as a runtime helper.

One interesting thing to try would be to find out if this technique
makes things slower on 32-bit targets.  If it doesn't then we could
use it everywhere.


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