RFR(XS): 8141552 [TESTBUG] compiler/jvmci/events/JvmciNotifyInstallEventTest failed after jvmci refresh

Dmitrij Pochepko dmitrij.pochepko at oracle.com
Thu Nov 5 17:32:33 UTC 2015


please review fix for:
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141552 - [TESTBUG] 
compiler/jvmci/events/JvmciNotifyInstallEventTest failed after jvmci refresh

A problem was that test tried to install same CompilationResult code 
twice, which is not allowed because HotSpotCodeCacheProvider.installCode 
method sets finalizeLayout state for DataSection inside 
CompilationResult and this state can't be set twice for same 
instance(there is an assertion verifying that). So, as a fix, i've added 
creation and initialization of another instance to have a new instance 
with fresh state.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dpochepk/8141552/webrev.01/

I've tested it on linux-amd64.

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