[9] RFR(XS): 8139388: [TESTBUG] JVMCI test failed with RuntimeException profiling info wasn't changed after 100 invocations (assert failed: BaseProfilingInfo<> != BaseProfilingInfo<>)

Tatiana Pivovarova tatiana.pivovarova at oracle.com
Mon Nov 9 16:03:42 UTC 2015

Hi guys!

Please review this small patch.

Current test failed when "CompileThreshold" is too small (100 in this 
bug). So I just used constant 
compiler.whitebox.CompilerWhiteBoxTest.THRESHOLD to trigger compilation.

bugid: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8139388
webrew: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tpivovarova/8139388/webrev.00/


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