RFR: 8087223: InterfaceMethod CP entry pointing to a class should cause ICCE

Yumin Qi yumin.qi at oracle.com
Tue Nov 17 15:51:38 UTC 2015

Hi, Vladimir and all

    New webrev at:

    In this version, changes made to 
ConstantPool::resolve_constant_at_impl (which you mentioned in offline 
email for resolution process for methodHandle) to check if the method 
handle resolution to method with a correct constant tag, which solved 
the method handle resolution to throw ICCE correctly.
    Also added one more test case for method handle resolution based on 
the jasm version in the bug.

    Tests: JPRT, runtime quick list, jdk/test/java/lang/invoke


On 11/13/2015 10:50 AM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
> Looks good.
>> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8087223
>> webrev:
>> http://javaweb.us.oracle.com/~yqi/webrev/webrevs/8087223/8087223/webrev-01/ 
>> The fix solved the problem when call is from interpreter and compiler,
>> bug for MethodHandle invoke, which should be addressed in another bug,
>> since the MethodHandle does not come with a byte stream and getting the
>> constant pool index at the invoke is not possible.  It will be addressed
>> in another bug.
> Is there a bug filed for that?
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov

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