RFR: 8143151: [JVMCI] assertion for allocation of "too many" CompileTasks must take JVMCI into account

Doug Simon doug.simon at oracle.com
Tue Nov 17 22:07:13 UTC 2015

Normally -Xcomp implies blocking compilation (i.e., -Xbatch). However when a JVMCI compiler is in use, the CompileBroker has special logic to prevent blocking compilations from causing a deadlock between JVMCI compiler threads and other threads. Until they are themselves compiled, JVMCI compilers are slower than native compilers. This means the compilation queue can back up quickly and require more CompileTasks to be created. There's an assertion that the number of CompileTasks allocated never exceeds 10000. This assertion needs to be modified if a JVMCI compiler is in use.



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