
Vitaly Davidovich vitalyd at
Tue Nov 24 12:13:55 UTC 2015

Right, conceptually it seems it shouldn't be difficult to do that given
this method is intrinsically known to the JVM.

I don't think safepoint poll would need retention either.  Given the method
isn't called and is just a pseudo marker for liveness, skipping its
would-be safepoint seems perfectly fine; safepoint poll
placement/optimization should work as-if this method didn't exist at all.

sent from my phone
On Nov 24, 2015 4:39 AM, "Andrew Haley" <aph at> wrote:

> On 24/11/15 08:36, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> > AFAIK there are no plans to do such expansion.
> It would be trivial for a back end simply to fail to emit a call.
> We'd still have to emit a safepoint check.
> Andrew.
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